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Flight To Israel
Description: Air France airline presents popular tourist destinations in Israel
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Clip #: TFA-7A
Length: 32:12
Year: 1951
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: Middle East
Country: Israel
Subject: Air Travel
Original: 16mm
13:01:38 - 13:06:32 >>> Various Air France Continental Air Liner flying above clouds, cockpit, HA over Tel Aviv, airliner landing, EXT terminal building, passengers disembarking walking across tarmac to terminal building, baggage being unloaded. Various downtown Tel Aviv, streets and traffic, stores, streets being widened, ZI sidewalks being laid with blocks of concrete in sand, The slums in Jaffa being torn down, new buildings being constructed, man working. Various good shots of stilt type apartment house building common in Israel. Modern style office buildings and EXT National Theatre, philharmonic inside practising. The Rothschild Boulevard, the gardens and flowers and people walking, large sidewalk café filled with people. Various many people walking up and down the beaches, surfer in the water, lifeguard, PAN people on the Mediterranean beach. EXT Weizmann Institute, sign on wall, various CU flowers. 13:06:34 - 13:10:06 >>> POV airplane over cultivated land, orange groves and farms edged by desert, new buildings in new communities. Various PANs the Negev desert, a man made lake, new trees planted. PANs a tent city for new immigrants, new housing being constructed for them, various a pipeline for irrigation being built and laid, machines, men digging a deep ditch, man carrying dirt away by hand, railroad train, a power station, oil tanks, chimneys at an atomic plant, large factory being built. CUs diamond cutters’ hands at work, CU shoemaker in the street. 13:10:08 - 13:12:08 >>> Various at a kibbutz, horse drawn wagon, fields beings sprayed with water, the houses in background, people working in the field, various poultry farms, chickens, ducks and turkeys, cattle grazing. Various and CUs children, at the kibbutz and at a camp for rescued children. 13:12:10 - 13:17:10 >>> HA over Haifa out to bay of Accra. Various, in streets, the harbor and activity at a ship, loading a railroad car. Ship in Haifa with refugees at rail and disembarking, shots of people young and old as they come down gangplank. Various modern housing on Mt. Carmel. Various at a school with girls dancing in celebration of the first harvest, CUs children. LS Akko over the water, CU the wall of St John and shot along sea wall fortification, various in the streets, mosque, man praying. Various Roman aqueduct still standing, camels eating grass, CU camel head chewing grass stalk. Beach at Nahariya with people, various beach scenes. 13:17:13 - 13:22:03 >>> Various hills in Galilee, white houses, people at work in field, donkeys, threshing wheat as in olden days, CUs man working a winch with his feet to raise water from deep well. Men in St. John in Arab dress dancing. Men working to plant trees, PAN a recently planted area in northern Israel, CU a 2000 year old olive tree, a tobacco farm. PAN the Huleh valley and the start of the Jordan River, various the water flowing to Huleh Lake and men in water working to clear debris, flowers alongside. Various men working the land converted from the swamp into arable land, HA PAN Sea of Galilee, a hotel on lake shore and POV from veranda overlooking water. Young boys fishing, men attending nets. 13:22:05 - 13:26:25 >>> PAN ruins of an ancient synagogue built in second century at lake’s northern shore. Various children swimming in the Dead Sea, two boys examining a destroyed Syrian tank, the memorial to the defeat of the Syrians, scars on the wall of a former police barracks. PAN area south of Sea of Galilee. Various banana plants, grape vines, CU grapes, CUs roses growing, logs piles at a plywood plant, PAN a hydro electric station. PAN churches in town where the New Testament was reputed to have been found. LS PAN Nazareth, St. Joseph’s Church, Arab women entering place of Mary’s Well for water. Various Jewish settlers, one with flock of sheep and another with a herd of cattle. 13:26:27 - 13:30:41 >>> On the road to Jerusalem wrecks from the war. PAN the walls of old Jerusalem on Mt. Zion, HA pilgrims on mountain path, HA PAN the old walls surrounding the old city, HA ruins of old synagogue destroyed by Arabs. HA PAN over Jerusalem, domes of the Holy Sepulchre Church, pilgrims on the roof of the King David’s Tomb, the Dome of the Rock, LS HA town of Bethlehem. HA PAN of modern buildings outside the inner city of Jerusalem. Various in the streets, a traffic policeman, Arab riding a donkey, people and cars, men working rebuilding city, a large building in construction, various modern buildings in the hills surrounding the city. 13:30:41 - 13:32:59 >>> EXT Kong David Hotel, the Jewish National Museum Bezalel, CU its sign, ZI to candelabra on top of museum. EXT N’shuram synagogue at end of services with many people exiting into street, Rabbi Herzog walking with in street, tomb of Theodore Hecht and Israeli flag flying. Air France Constellation on airport, various people loading on board, stewardess greeting passengers, engines being started one by one. Good shots Constellation in takeoff run and POV out over spinning propellers out to bright, blue, white cloud sky.

This film has also been broken down into individual clips TFA-7A-1 to TFA-7A-34

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