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Clip #: TFA-35B
Length: 10:42
Year: 1929
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1920s
Region: Middle East
Country: Palestine
Original: 16mm
Bethlehem, sheep herders, church of St Mary, old men talking, Mount of Olives, garden of Gethsemane, Franciscan Friar, Via Dolorosa, Golgotha, Holy Sepulchre, ancient tombs, Chruch of the Holy Sepulchre, valley of Kidron, Jordan, Jericho, Dead Sea, young girl riding donkey, broken aqueduct, car bounces along road, camel with babies, man walks into Dead Sea and floats, women turning grinding wheel, making bread, man rows boat with tourists at Baptism site, old walls of Jericho, man digging dirt with pick axe, examines rock, palm tree, boat arriving at Haifa, people boarding train, Nazareth, camels loaded with packs, woman with jug on head, sign: SEA LEVEL, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, fishermen, man with fish in hands, where Jesus preached, ruins with columns, Israel
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