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Clip #: TFA-36C
Length: 13:08
Year: 1945
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Eugene Castle
Region: North America
Country: United States
Original: 16mm
canoers with paddles, kids diving off of platform, canoe jousting, water sports, water slide, canoe races, horseback trails, deer crossing narrow bridge, moose, snow ski resort, ski lift, skiing down mountain, dog sled, huskies, women fly fishing in stream, fishing baskets, man with fish in net, Provincetown, Cape Cod, town crier in Pilgrim outfit, Plymouth Rock, Old North Church in Boston, Lexington commons battlefield, old bridge at Concord, Massachusetts, minutemen memorial, Boston Common, Customs House, tourist swan paddle boat, Marblehead, sailboats, Gloucester, fishing fleet boats, harbor, artists painting on dock, trawlers fishing, lighthouse, hauling nets, dumoing fish into hold, birds trailing fishing boat, lobster boat coming into harbor, hauling traps, lobsters, beaches, umbrella, women run into surf, Windjammer, hauling sails, schooners