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Clip #: TFA-46A
Length: 43:47
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Europe
Subject: Ocean Liners
Original: 16mm
03:01:03 - 03:05:22 >>> Cunard Line intro to film. Map Mediterranean Sea, shots pyramids, pharaoh head, Parthenon, Basilica, etc. Various Cunard liner Coronia, sailing, MS people on decks, interior elevator, directory on wall, dining room, bar, couple having breakfast in room, planning board room, passengers greet captain at his reception, passengers dancing to band, professional dance couple exhibition.
03:05:25 - 03:09:40 >>> Map African coast showing Madeira, Canary islands, Tangiers, and Casablanca. LS coast Madeira, in city CU flower lady in traditional costume, people being ridden down a cobblestone slide in a basket sled, POV from sled. At bottom people ride in an oxen drawn sled into shopping center. Good shot of ships wale in blue water. LS Tangiers, Moorish arch gate, city street, narrow street in Kasbah, the garden of the Sultan’s Palace, a Moroccan outdoor market. Various, Palma on Island of Majorca, shoreline, marina, Gothic Cathedral. On Malta, various Valetta, PANs from water, people in horse drawn surrey, garden with statue.
03:09:41 - 03:13:07 >>> Map at Nile entry to Mediterranean. PAN Cairo from hotel on the Nile window. HA primitive cargo boat being hand rowed and poled in Nile. Various Cairo, the Saladin Citadel, mosque and minarets. People riding camels in Ginza, camels parked at the pyramid as people climb to pharaoh’s tomb, get back on camels, good shots the Sphinx, PAM ruins Temple of Luxor, good shot the Colossi in Thebes, ruins of enormous columns in Karnak, enormous statue of Cleopatra.
03:13:09 - 03:16:39 >>> Map Nile entry. HA PAN Haifa. Various in Tel Aviv, streets and traffic, people walking in shaded promenade, apartment houses, HAs farmland, LS to Sea of Galilee, ruins of Roman fort of Tiberia, PAN Jerusalem, Mount Zion, Tomb of David and the Church at top, St. Stevens gate, the Via Delarosa, priests and nuns praying. PAN Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity visitors, Church of all Nations and its gardens, ZI olive tree. Cars on road to Jericho, rowboat on Jordan River.
03:16:41 - 03:22:03 >>> Map coast Israel. Various entry to Istanbul, people on deck looking at shoreline, a ferry, LSs coast, mosque, fort, HA over land to Coronia at anchor. MS archway in street, people walking, man bent over carrying heavy load on back, MS Blue Mosque of Suleymaniye, MS Mosque of St. Sophia. – Map Black Sea Coast showing Istanbul, Varna, Constanta, Odessa, Yalta and Bucharest. Various in Bucharest, gardens, new apartment buildings, LS large building printing plant. Museum with old wooden church, houses, MS PAN young lady dressed in peasant clothes. – PAN cost at Yalta, HA over city, a flower garden, HA to Sea, LS ZI to palace named the Swallow’s Nest on sheer cliffs, MS PAN Livadiya Palace, site of the Yalta Conference. MS Vorontsov Palace, people on its stairway, CU lion sculpture on the steps. Various, many people on the promenade and on the beach. – Ship passengers at on deck buffet, ZI foods, passengers sunbathing on deck, in pool, CU child on float in pool, playing net game, shuffleboard, POV over rear deck and ship’s wake.
03:22:06 - 06:26:23 >>> LS PAN ruins at Acropolis in Athens, MS PAN Roman arch of Hadrian, ZIs columns of the Temple of Zeus, LS Thission with Parthenon in distance, MS soldiers of the palace guard in distinctive white skirted uniform at palace ruins, MS porch of the Caryatids, MS Parthenon and people inside. – HA Coronia at anchor at Dubrovnik, PAN fort from water, HA PAN fort walls around city, HA houses and city street, steep stairway, LS shore at Dubrovnik. – Map to Venice. Ha bridges over canal, passengers debarking on gangplank, MS Bridge of Sighs, MS gondolier, gondolas and power boats in Grand Canal. POVs bridge as boat goes under, approach to St. Marks Square, PAN up Campanile, MS St. Marks Church, ZI bronze horses on façade, MS clock tower, ZI lion on façade, people and children feeding pigeons in the square.
03:26:24 - 03:32:57 >>> Map Italy and major cities. PAN square in Vienna, trolley cars and auto traffic, MS Parliament and its sculptures, LS Schonbrunn Palace and fountain and gardens in front, MS Beethoven - Haus where he lived, memorial to Johann Strauss, CU bronze statue as he plays violin. – PAN Florence, MS Ponte Vecchio, PAN square with statues, CU PAN bronze doors by Andrea Pisano on the St. Johns Baptistery depicting his life. – MS and PAN Leaning Tower of Pisa. – Map to Sicily. Postcards photos of cities, a narrow street and store souvenirs. – HA LS Naples with Vesuvius in back, Couple walking thru Pompeii ruins, MS bakery grinding wheels and oven. HA PAN over Herculanium ruins, PAN columns, works of arts and mosaics still preserved MS mosaic. – HAs Sorrento, Porto Stefano, and Amalfi. – HA PAN Rome, HAs Roman Forum ruins. MSs Arch of Emperor Constantine, Amphitheatre and PAN inside, Trevi Fountain, PAN St. Peter’s Church and Pan square in Vatican City, statues of saints on top of Bernini’s colonnade, HAs St. Peter’s square, from top of dome to Vatican gardens.
03:32:58 - 03:36:35 >>> MS Coronia at dock. LS POV deck Island of Capri, MS small boats in harbour and Town at top of hill. Picturesque HA PANs down to sea and rocky shoreline. – Tour inside ship, couple enters stateroom, woman receives pressed dress, female workers ironing, clothes, inside ship’s barber shop and salon. Various, passengers looking over side rail, being served tea on lounges, CU cookies being served, Good shot sun setting in distance at sea horizon. PANs and shots passengers at tables in dining room and waiters serving from trays, chef cutting roast beef at table, CUs wine being poured, fruit tray, making crepe suzettes. PAN decorated ballroom and costumed passengers dancing, costumed children, CUs costumed dancers,
03:36:37 - 03:41:17 >>> Good CU anchor being dropped into water, LS ship anchored in bay. HA Grand Corniche Drive, sunbathers on beach in Nice, street in Cannes, HA Monaco, MS garden and Casino of Monte Carlo, PANs façade Prince Reiner’s Palace, shots changing palace guard. Passengers waving goodbye at ship’s rail. - Tree shaded street in Barcelona. Various in Spanish village, architecture, cobbler working in street, sculptor chiselling statue, woodworker chiselling wood, peddler’s horse loaded with souvenirs, CU horse’s head with decorated headpiece. – Auto on mountain road, shots up to rocky cliffs of Mount Serrat, LSs monastery, HA POV monastery from funicular. – HA Malaga, street at bullring site, poster for bullfight, HS into bullring as bullfight is on. – Archway in Palace of Alhambra, fountain interior palace square, CU lions of fountain, ZI intricate design over columned entry. Various summer palace, gardens and fountains.
03:41:19 - 03:44:45 >>> Map at Straits of Gibraltar, HA Gibraltar, MS Rock, couple at top of Rock with man and monkeys that live on it, CU man with monkey on his shoulder, POV passengers at rail and Gibraltar in distance. HA PAN over Lisbon, MS over formal garden to monument, PAN Este Rio beach, flower garden at gambling casino. Pans façade Pena Palace, HA LS countryside, MS marina, ZI Discoveries Monument. Good shot ship’s wake. Various, Paris, London, LS Buckingham Palace on Thames. Shots tugboat pushing ship Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, HA passengers looking over rail at ship’s wake. – Film credits and Cunard Lines advertise.