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Clip #: TFA-50A
Length: 14:09
Year: 1953
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Middle East
Country: Iran
Original: 16mm
central desert of Iran, ruins of Persian palace of King Darius, carving of Darius and ancient visitors
to Persia, tablets with Persian writing, bust of Xerxes, minarets, mosque, Royal Blue mosque,
statue of Reza Shah, picture of his son Reza Pahlavi, Golestan, Rose Garden Palace, Peacock Throne,
Teheran, religious college, mullah students, National University, Isfanhan, bazaar, coppersmith
pounding metal with hammer, silversmiths, miniature paintings, artist painting vase, weaving Persian rug, loom,
textile mill, automatic loom, Shiraz, Qor'an gate, palace of the Bagh-e Eram, orange tree, camel caravan,
grain elevator, technical school, medical school, medical students, country village, water hoist, watering hole,
making bread, bedding, plowing field with oxen, Abadan oil refinery, oil worker
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