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Clip #: TFA-59B
Length: 9:34
Year: 1947
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: Colorado
Subject: Rivers
Original: 16mm
Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Boulder Dam, erosion, gorge,
rapids, footbridge, mule pack trains, tourists, Lake Mead, boat, trawler, swimmers, spillways, hydroelectric plant, electricity generating plant, Parker Dam, power plant, pumping station, water pipes, canals, Los Angeles resevoir, Imperial Dam, irrigation canals,
Imperial Valley, flooded fields, alfalfa, tractor, melons, cantalopes, migrant workers with truck, combine tractor, flax, sugar beets, agriculture, Yuma canal, Yuma irrigation project,