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Clip #: TFA-60C
Length: 16:00
Year: 1943
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Julien Bryan
Region: South America
Country: Bolivia
City: La Paz
Original: 16mm
La Paz, Bolivia, Julien Bryan, map of South America, plains high plateau, downtown La Paz, highest city in the world, city street,
streetcar, 1940s cars, Plaza Murillo, cathedral, government buildings, llamas, indians, natives, market, picante stew, roasted meat, coca leaves, cholos, mestizo, Alasitas festival Ekeko idol doll, dancers and musicians, violinist, guitar player, folk dancing,
colonial architecture, ancient god stone carvings, cholo nurse, cemetary, mausoleum, National Stadium, soccer team, crowd, fans, movie theatre, facyories, workers, machines, wool factory, weaving, looms, cloth, highway construction, picks, wheelbarrow, bulldozer, Miraflores, housing project, suburb, pouring concrete,
Made for the Federal Government (FDR good neighbor policy). Julien Bryan contracted by FDR administration. Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Nelson Rockefeller, in charge of contracting filmmakers to make movies in South America. There are 23 films in the CI-AA series.
Nuestra Señora de La Paz is the administrative capital of Bolivia, as well as the departmental capital of La Paz Department. As of the 2001 census, the city of La Paz had a population of 789,585, and together with the neighboring cities of El Alto and Viacha, make the biggest urban area of Bolivia, with a population of over 1.6 million inhabitants (Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas - Bolivia).