Description: Presents the viewpoint that America has often unwisely used its land and forest resources, that all people are dependent upon the land and must, therefore, be directly concerned with the problems of conservation. Documents the misues of these resources and the resulting problems. Visits a New England farm auction, the Connecticut Valley, an Alabama cotton farmer, a Dakota farmer,a Wyoming cattleman,and a timberland region. |
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Clip #: TFA-63D
Length: 20:13
Year: 1954
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: North America
Country: United States
Original: 16mm
Conservation, erosion, POV down country road waterfall rapids deer running logging timber cutting falling trees ruined farmland mine construction building dam concrete blacksmith waterwheel hay pitchfork steam whistle New York City from New Jersey New England highway POV small town church farm auction auctioneer bidders tractor county agent ruined field river factory industrial waste pollution POV dirt road in rain cotton plants abandoned plantation house hitchhiker thumb sharecropper in jeep plowing filed negro family working damn construction dump trucks concrete molds factory pine seedlings chopping tree logging POV car at night country road midwest
fields of wheat farmer Missouri river valley flood drought barren soil tractor plow POV far west roads Colorado Route 50 with truck cattle ranch cowboy on horse rancher cow skull bulldozer range fire auger fence post cows grazing timber tree falling logging with chains
fighting control forest fire trimming pruning POV forest road irrigation canals forest management river basin damn construction irrigation power plant grid high tension wires POV road at night, global warming
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