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Clip #: TFA-79E
Length: 13:31
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Region: Africa
Country: Congo
Subject: Amateur film
Original: 16mm
african country house, white man and white woman next to pigmy woman, dining table, herd of long horn cattle on beach,building motor road from Lake Tanganyika to Lake Kivu, native workers, truck goes by, Russisi, Ruzizi River, Costermansville, Bukavu, street sweepers, white man pays porters, CU smiling and laughing porter, seated men smoking pipes, chewing on cane stalk, chef, cooking over an open fire, Dr D.J. Morton doing foot studies, men dancing, recording footprints on inked paper, tents in baclground, Batwa, Twa, pigmys,
Lualaba (Upper Congo) River, river bank shot from river, town, docks, riverboats, pet pelican, unloading boats, women fixing hair, cooking on boat, village seen from river, boat pulling away from settlement, lake, large sternwheeler riverboat, jungle from river, children playing on bank or river and in water
Dudley Joy Morton (1884–1960)was an American orthopedic surgeon from the Dept of Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University who studied the origins of bipedalism and wrote many books on the human foot including The Human Foot: Its Evolution, Physiology and Funtional Disorders. In the early 1930s he traveled to the Belgian Congo and recorded on film the walking habits of three tribes - the Ounyabonga, Wafaleru and Wambuti (pigmy). He published the results in October of 1932 in a study titled; " The Angle of Gait: A Study Based Upon Examination of the feet of Central African Natives