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Clip #: TFA-80A
Length: 25:54
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: Oregon
Original: 16mm
Many good POV traveling shots on country roads. POV going over bridge, sea lions, going into water, coast, beach waves, picking in cranberry bogs, large pen full of turkeys, CU turkey, cattle grazing, driving nets with horses, Tuna fishing, fishing on Columbia River, coastal road, through tunnel, boardwalk beachtown, daffodil field, Astor Column, POV highway from car, Mt Hood, Highway 99, Ashland city park, The Chateau at the Oregon Caves lodge, Cave Junction, natural caves, Jacksonville, gold miner panning, comice pear orchard, old growth forest, logging, men chopping down large tree, sawmill cutting boards, University of Oregon, Eugene, Corvallis, Oregon State College, Salem, Capitol building, Oregon State Fair, Ferris Wheel, stock barns, proze cattle, harvesting hops, fruit trees, picking peaches, strawberries, fishing Oregon City, Portland, POV from car, Rose Festival, stadium, queen, parade, floats, POV parade crowd, flower fields, river fishing for smelt with nets, eastern Oregon, Columbia River Gorge, Multnomah Falls, Bonneville Dam, Hood River Valley, Mt Hood, cherry picking, The Dalles, indian chief in headress, salmon fishing from platform,
wheat fields, thresher, combine, harvesting, peas, Pendleton Roundup, rodeo, bulldogging a steer, Blue Mountain Pass, more POV from car, Wallowa Valley, Imnaha Canyon, Hell's Canyon, Snake River, cattle ranch, harvesting hay, ranch with barn, damn, pipeline, Nyssa, swans,
migrating birds, Steens Mountain range, hunters, cattle, rodeo, cowboys, sheep grazing, potato farming, timber on railcars, lumber mill, Klamath Lake, Annie Creek Canyon, Medford, Crater Lake, Diamond Lake, Bend,