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Clip #: TFA-83E
Length: 9:53
Year: 1942
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Eugene Castle
Region: North America
Country: United States
City: Washington
Original: 16mm
Washington monument, Jefferson monument, Lincoln memorial, Union Station, train, taxis, porters luggage, Franklin Roosevelt, parade, airplane engines, Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, shaking hands, climbing onto airplane, U.S. Information Agency, pedestrians, feet on sidewalk, boarding bus, U.S. Treasury building, Henry Morganthau Jr, Secretary of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, cutting sheets of bonds, Donald M. Nelson, Paul V. McNutt, people crossing street, War Department, General George Marshall, Henry Stimson, Secretary of War, War Department, soldiers attacking across field, traffic, Navy Department, Frank Knox, Admiral Ernest King, Leon Henderson, Price Administrator, riding bicycles, Dr J.W. Studebaker, U.S. Commissioner of Education, Get the Scrap Rubber sign, teachers, Department of Agriculture, cotton fields, thesher, State Department, Cordell Hull, traffic, crowded hotel lobby, cafeteria lines, women in small apartment, ironing, reading, U.S. Capitol building, Congress stands up, Congressmen, Thomas Rolph at desk, White House, Marvin McIntyre, Stephen Early, Winston Churchill with Roosevelt, awarding medals, shaking hands, General James Doolittle with medal, soldiers marching, tanks on parade,