S.S. Santa Rosa Through The Panama Canal Description: two men playing ping pong on the deck of an ocean liner. Two men and a woman sit at table and drink cocktails. Men at bar in background. Waiter brings more drinks. Men smiling and drinking at bar. they walk away. Smiling bartender makes drinks in shaker, Ocean liner Santa Rosa in water. People in bathing suits sitting around swimming pool on deck of ship. Girls dive into and frolic in the pool Game room of ship. Men playing ping pong. Man shoots golf putt on putting green. Pan down deck of ship to pool, man holding rifle shooting skeet from deck of ship. Crowd watches. He takes a bow. Woman shoots, Panama Canal. Passing heavily loaded freighter. Man on deck looking out into jungle. CU looking through portholes to jungle, passing a freighter in Panama Canal. Pan across deck on ocena liner Santa Rosa. People in deck chairs with umbrellas. Canal lock opens. Man walks in front of mule engine pulling large naval ship with sailors in white uniforms on deck, pan up from bow of Santa Rosa ocena liner to Panama Canal. Reverse angle of deck of ship looking down canal
Clip #: TFA-99D-1 Length: 8:53 Color: B/W Sound: Silent Library: TFA Network Decade: 1930s Region: CentralAmerica Country: Panama Subject: Ocean Liners Original: 35mm Keywords:
Panama Canal
Original film elements no longer available
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