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Clip #: TFA-118B
Length: 9:35
Year: 1945
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Region: Africa
Country: Tanganyika
Subject: Farming
Original: 16mm
sisal, rope, harvesting and processing the leaves; transporting the baled fibers for export; the fibers used in rope-making. sisal plants, manila hemp, sisal trees, east Africa, bulbils, in hand, bulbils planted in nursery, men weeding rows of plants, harvesting, large sisal plants, cutting lower leaves, men traveling on light railway, plantation, estate, diesel engine, worker carrying large bundles of leaves, loading on train, trains goes over bridge, white fibre, threshing machine using water, coarse fiber, stripping process, coneyor belt, waste pulp, runoff, pulp is used for fertilzer, drying racks, drying fields, bleaching in sun, pan overlarge field of drying racks, railway engine with laod of dried fiber, men combing, cleaning and packing sisal fiber for shipping, factory labor, waste, sisal baling machine, bales of sisal fibre bound with metal strips and labeled, train loaded wih sisal bales to port, wharf, dock sisal bales being laoded with crane on to barge, men lifting bales, men waiting to be paid, paymaster at table, men receiving wages, women wearing cloaks, smiling men, sisal plants,