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Clip #: TFA-120B
Length: 9:06
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Country: Canada
Subject: Rivers
Original: 16mm
1930s, Canada, Northwest, boy scout and Native American boy struggling to pull canoe in raging river, turbulent river rapids, Native American chief holding rifle standing on boulder next to river, Native American boy picking up dog and handing to boy scout to put into canoe, Native American boy, boy scout and dog traveling down turbulent river in canoe, Native American boy and boy scout docking canoe as they reach Native American Chief standing on boulder, Native American boy and chief saluting each other, boy scout giving note to chief, chief reading note and patting boy scout on back, chief getting dog out of canoe, chief, boy scout and Native American boy leading horse walking through woods, chief pointing out home in distance to boy scout, chief helping boy scout mount horse, Native American boy leading horse ridden by boy scout as they walk behind chief and dog through woods, canyon, chief picking salmonberries, boy scout eating salmonberries, bear in woods, chief shooting rifle and horses spooking, horse ridden by boy scout taking off galloping through woods and Native American boy following on horseback, Native American boy trying to use branch to swim but otter getting in way, dog watching otter, Native American boy lifting up fish caught on line, boy scout pointing out ducks to chief, boy scout getting into canoe and paddling in river towards deer, boy scout approaching and trying to pick up bear cub, mother bear running through woods, boy scout running through foliage to Native American chief and boy, chief shooting rifle, bear running off, dog eating, chief giving food cooked on campfire to boys