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Clip #: TFA-142D
Length: 9:01
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Far East
Country: India
Subject: Agriculture
Original: 16mm
1950s, India, archway, Rashtrapati Bhavan gate, gates and archways, street scenes, crowd, Pakistan, mosque, men removing shoes, elderly man and boys reading aloud arabic from book, Hindus, cows on streets, men being poured water from pitcher, New Delhi, Rashtrapati Bhavan, man powered irrigation system, oxen driven water wheel, man digging water ditches in field, oxen driven plows, HIndu village, men feeding animals, men filling containers with water from well, girl washing baby's face with water poured from pitcher by boy, people doing laundry in communal pool, laundry laid out to dry and hanging from clotheslines, woman preparing stove inside home and cooking using provincial utensils, woman roasting rice in hot sand, woman preparing curry, woman serving food to men, men using hands to eat, man loading up oxen driven cart, woman putting on necklace and ankle bracelet, woman getting into cart, woman pulling down headscarf over her face, man pulling cart, man and woman walking through city street and shopping from vendors, bear and monkeys doing tricks for trainer, female and male agricultural workers, men leading oxen in circle