Description: Tall ship three masted clipper ship schooner in full sail. 85 ft schooner Wanderbird leaves Gloucester in full sail. Woman steers steering wheel while small boy watches, deck hand sailor with pipe in mouth and cap cuts thick rope with knife, young bare chested man wearing baseball cap ties strings around line, two young boys crawl out bowsprit and secure lines, young girl hanging from rope, schooner under full sail. Overhead shot of aft deck. Young man suspended in bosun's chair paddles in water below bowsprit
Crew of ship perform ceremony celebrating crossing the equator, man dressed as Father Neptune raises trident into air, man with long beard and pith helmet reads from scroll, bare chested man in chair is painted with soap and dusted with flour then doused with water. silhouette of sailor against cloudy horizon. ship approaches Rio De Janeiro. Sugarloaf mountain in distance, overhead shot of crowded beach. boat sailing again, children climb on ropes of sail.
deckhands work, young boy with bucket helps collect water, kids climbing ropes to top of mast, view of deck from above, whales swimming alongside boat, boy slides down rope alongside mast, man shows young girl how to shoot pistol, sharks gliding by, rough seas, kids pull in sails, skipper man in foul weather gear turns steering wheel
Ship passes Cape Horn, sails through rough seas. Sailor in foul weather gear at ship steering wheel, Man pointing with girl and boy, high waves, whitecaps, high winds, waves crash over deck, large swells, sea spray, decks awash with sea water, splashing, naked children on deck, calm water with ducks, Albatross on deck, man spreads wings, outline map of South America
Ship approaches San Francisco, Golden Gate Bridge in view / children sit on bow. boy plays with toy sailing boats on deck, a colony of seals on rocks with crashing waves, land is sighted, kids raising flag, the Golden Gate Bridge on horizon, all hands on deck, sailor shakes hands with the cook, Golden Gate Bridge from below as Navy destroyer sails underneath.
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Clip #: TFA-148B
Length: 9:25
Year: 1938
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Subject: Boats
Original: 16mm
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