Description: Oxen with driven horizontal wooden water wheel below large tree, CU oxen with large horns between yoke, wheel with cans brings water to trough, CU wooden wheels with wooden gears, spokes and pegs, water spills into pool, agriculture, irrigation in fields, man with hoe, clears path for water in field, small village with men using the well, goats eating grass and ox eating hay, two men fill goatskin bag with water and one man carries it away
woman washing child's face with water from jug, woman build fire under pot with straw, making unleavened bread in a dish, kneads bread and outs into pan, cooking rice in a wok over open fire, putting spices into pot, stirs pot with spoon,
two men sitting outside on mat wearing turbans eating with hands, woman brings over small bowls of food, CU man taking food with fingers placing it on pita bread and tearing off piece and eating it. men wearing turbans and white clothing sitting outside in circle smoking community hooka pipe,
Woman sitting on ground churning in a pot , woman washing clothes by pounding with a club, young girl sewing with needle and thread, woman making yarn with spinning wheel, man with turban sitting on bench writing ornate arabic calligraphy penmanship on piece of paper, man loads large bundles into ox cart, places yoke on necks of two oxen, woman puts on ornate jewelery on head and ankles, jewels, woman climbs on to ox cart, pulls veil over face and cart pulls away
Sikh Man walks towards camera through market with turban and elaborate mustache with short woman covered by gown and veil, CU market stall with clothing, flashlights, man examines clock and speaks to smiling merchant, they haggle negotiate over price, man puts coins into palm of merchant and buys clock and takes it, Veiled woman examines larges dishes filled with rice or grain and covered with flies, man weighs rice on scale and places in bag and gives to woman, open air school with students in a circle on a bench wearing turbans and teacher with heavy black beard standing and talking, teacher writes in blackboard in arabic, students read arabic book, teachers points to blackboard, CU boy answers question, PAN across large group of boys praying with teacher
New Delhi India Gate arch, ornate fence around Rashtrapati Bhavan Presidential House, India Parliament and Secretariat building with large dome, PAN across park to large buildings with shops and colonnade, traffic with 1930s cars, PAN across storefronts, Mera Haq, Mera HUQ, Cinema Majestic, I.M.H. Press, Modern Dentistry sign, boy hops on to oxe cart without driver in city street
Street musicians in turbans with Dancing bear and monkeys dressed as musicians, man wearing fez hat selling oranges in fruit market, street barber giving man a shave and haircut with scissors, outdoor market, rug sellers, man playing and selling bagpipe type musical instrument, boy shining shoes and smiling, food sellers, camel sitting on ground being fed and chewing, men climb on to top ... |
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Clip #: TFA-148D
Length: 10:50
Year: 1940
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Region: Far East
Country: India
Original: 16mm
Punjab, India
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