Description: PAN across rooftops with mountains in background. PAN across countryside with lake and mountains. Mexican indians wearing sombreros and sarapes ride donkeys with saddle bags down village street. House of the Giants, large statue, chapel with La Cruz del Humilladero, the cross of humilty, CU statue of Jesus on wooden cross. PAN across courtyard with tile roof. PAN across public garden with fountain
Men and women paddle large canoe down canal to dock. Open air market, man with serape and sombrero, glazed pottery, pigs on leashes, parrotts, whitefish, fruit, woman working on lacquered tray. CU hand rubbing tray. Woman displays large tray with lacquered flower painting
Men in serapes and sombreros with red old man masks dance with canes. CU man playing guitar. CU dancing feet. CU Child takes off mask
PAN across Lake Patzcuaro with mountains in background. Fisherman return home paddling slowly in large dugout canoe made from a single tree. POV from canoe across lake towards island of Janitzio. POV along shore of Janitzio fishermans village narrow streets with drying nets hanging.
Man walks up hill above Janitzio village above tile roofed house. Daughter uses primitive spinner to make thread. Family weaves nets. Fisherman hauling nets into canoe and removing fish
Men paddle canoes with butterfly nets on front, dip them into water and scoop them up with fish inside. Women on shore working on nets while man brings one from boat up on to beach
Fleet of canoes with men standing and paddling at dawn on lake. Men stand in canoe and use harpoons to catch ducks. POV men paddling quckly. They stand up and throw harpoons using slings. CU make with harpoon. Canoe glides by and picks up harpooned duck.
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Clip #: TFA-151D
Length: 10:45
Year: 1949
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Region: Central America
Country: Mexico
City: Patzcuaro
Original: 16mm
HD master made 04/23/21
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