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Clip #: MF-21N
Length: 3:12
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: New York
Subject: Factories
Original: 16mm
1950s, Syracuse, New York, chinaware, man and woman entering chinaware shop, man and woman looking at china in shop, Onondaga Pottery Company plant, Syracuse China Corporation, male workers manufacturing pottery, ingredients being combined to form slip, vibrating screens filtering slip and water forced out by pressure, male worker removing clay “cakes†from filter press, male worker loading clay “cakes†into pugmill for mixing and air bubble removal, pug mill, skilled craftsmen making china cups and carefully attaching handles, female worker preparing cups for the kiln by stacking rim to rim, male worker pushing stacked pottery into kiln, female worker inspecting china cups, male worker dipping china cups into liquid glaze which female worker transfers to racks, female worker decorating glazed cups and putting gold line around rim, decalcomania, decal, tea / coffee being poured from china pot into cup resting on saucer
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