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Clip #: TFA-160C
Length: 28:08
Year: 1937
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: Armand Denis
Region: Central Asia
Country: India
Subject: Native Life
Original: 16mm
1930s, India, Bombay, Mumbai, sunrise over harbor, workers walking across gangplank loading and unloading cargo, ancient boats and ships, ship crew on deck, harbor activity, workers carrying cargo, workers unloading cargo from ships, men rowing ancient boat, cows and goats on busy streets, street scenes, artisan creating ivory elephant carving, craftsman polishing gems on hand operated wheel, silversmith hammering silver figures, craftsmen hand weaving rug, foreman reading out loud thread colors from design to workers, large group of Muslims bowing in prayer, Maharaja palace, elephant and camels carrying people entering palace gate as crowds of bystanders watching, palace garden, embellished terraces and domes, Maharaja and dignitary playing parcheesi, magician doing magic tricks for Armand and Leila Denis, magician doing "bird trick" by resurrecting dead bird, goat performing balancing trick for trainer, man opening elaborately embellished doors to reveal Taj Mahal, Taj Mahal facade and garden, bullock powered irrigation system, man powered irrigation system, cars driving up mountain road in lower regions of Himalayas, Armand and Leila Denis standing outside car looking at mountain view, people using axes to cut away foliage, tree trunks and branches from road, guided trip on horseback up Himalayan mountain, pack horses, caravan traveling on perilous ledges, caravan arriving at Tibetan monastery, people crossing precarious rope bridge over ravine to reach monastery, monastery perched atop cliffs, pilgrims, adults and children in traditional clothing, mountain women weaving and spinning, mountain women wearing turquoise studded headdress, people entering monastery, worshippers spinning prayer wheels, water driven prayer wheel, elderly beggars spinning small hand propelled prayer wheels, Armand and Leila Denis examining and spinning hand propelled prayer wheel, blind elderly beggar, Tibetan monastery festival celebration in monastery courtyard, procession of monks dressed in costumes and grotesque masks emerging from monastery into courtyard, group of young monks emerging from monastery, monk dressed in costume and mask playing drum to signal entrance of high priest, high priest entering courtyard, monks dressed in costumes and masks performing religious dance to musical accompaniment, ceremonial dance, man inflating goat skins for raft, rafts made of inflated goat skins traveling on treacherous mountain river, boatmen paddling raft through rapids and past boulders, people disembarking raft, horse caravan traveling from river shore, boat pov traveling on Ganges River in Varanasi / Benares, Hindu pilgrims praying in bathing ghats, sacred cattle on river banks, boy bathing cow in Ganges River, native man shaving man's eyebrows and shampooing his hair, native man performing massage on man's leg, pilgrim covered in white ashes taking nap, corpse being carried down steps of ghat, men using axes to chop wood for funeral pyre, men dipping corpse into Ganges, relatives sitting on ghat watching funeral ritual, men building funeral pyre and passing lighted torch over corpse to release spirits, men sweeping corpse ashes into river, Juggernaut ceremony, god figure being placed on altar, crowds of onlookers, procession of chariots through streets, pyramid shaped temples covered with sculptured figures, Thaipusam ceremony, worshippers with metal skewers driven through their faces and bodies, procession fair, hand operated amusement park rides, snake charmer performing show, Ceylon / Sri Lanka, Colombo, bullock carts carrying spices to ships, market, vendors selling pottery and tropical fruit, Negombo, catamarans coming into beach, children playing on beach, fishing boats, women carrying baskets on their heads, fisherman cleaning fish, men carrying fish, men bathing with well water, Negombo women and girl making lace in Dutch style, Perahera procession, devil dancers practicing dance to drum accompaniment, Kandy, Perahera procession at night with elaborately decorated elephants and people on foot, high priest of Temple of the Tooth, elephant carrying golden casket holding tooth of buddha, dancers in procession
Originally released as "Wheels Across India