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Clip #: TFA-107C
Length: 28:09
Year: 1953
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: North Dakota
City: Williston
Subject: Oil
Original: 16mm
1950s, United States, Williston Basin, Williston, North Dakota, prairie, cattle grazing in pasture, winter, snow covered fields, snow blowing across road, log cabin, barbed wire fence, town near oil field, man standing in doorway looking at snow covered farm, dog following man walking towards barn as snow comes down, cow standing outside in snowstorm, horses huddled together as snow comes down, felled tree branch, snow covered tree, church, church congregation standing up and singing hymn, children playing in snow covered playground, bell ringing, children running into one room schoolhouse, children and teacher seated at desks in school, children writing, teacher speaking, children getting up from desks and leaving school, geologist inspecting valley, seismograph crew drilling, boy watching ground being drilled, teacher erasing writing on chalkboard, men looking at map and talking about oil drilling possibilities, man and father painting outside of building, car driving up to house and men getting out, men shaking hands, lawyer introducing oil company representative to farmer and his father and them all shaking hands, oil company representative talking with lawyer, farmer, his wife and father in their kitchen about leasing their land for mineral rights, another oil company representative driving up to house and shaking hands with farmer, farmer / teacher standing in classroom, farm dried up from drought, sign pointing to Badlands, Black Hills, Denver and Mexico, lush wheat field, wind blowing through wheat field, cattle grazing in pasture, teacher putting covered wagon model into cabinet, man walking into farmhouse, wife telling husband that oil company has started drilling at different farm, wife, husband and father watching men set up oil rig / derrick, Citadel Oil Company, geologist showing husband and wife around oil rig, welder, man warming his hands on open fire, geologist leading husband and wife into shelter near oil rig and talking about drilling, man's hands holding arrowhead, teacher / farmer sitting at table and looking at wife in kitchen and father sitting in armchair reading newspaper, men talking on sidewalk and in store, men playing table shuffleboard, farmers talking, teacher eating lunch in classroom as boys talk about oil drilling, man standing with tool pusher watching oil crew work on rig, oil drilling, Chamber of Commerce door, Citizen's Petroleum Committee meeting with people talking about oil companies coming into town, winter, wind blowing around oil derrick, crew working on oil rig in extreme cold, supply trucks and cars driving on road during blizzard, men struggling to walk through blizzard, workers struggling to work during cold weather and remove ice from rig, man climbing down derrick ladder, spinning oil drill, teacher looking at arrowhead and oil rig and talking to geologist about oil drilling, people talking on street, shoe salesman fitting man with shoes, barber giving haircut, man washing car windshield as driver sits behind wheel, low angle oil derrick, people getting out of cars and watching oil drilling, oil worker turning valve wheel, oil crew, white oil foam gushing out of pipe in ground, onlookers happy and shaking hands / embracing, Williston, production office, switchboard operator telling man in office about phone call, The Williston Daily Herald front page showing headline "Oil Struck in Williston Basin," switchboard operator, cars driving through Williston at night, neon signs illuminated at night, the Plainsman hotel neon sign, people in hotel lobby, man wearing cowboy boots standing next to men wearing dress shoes, car license plates from various states, train at station, people on train station platform, man getting out of small airplane, stacks of supplies, workers rolling pipe, truck driving on road near snow covered fields, cars and trucks driving on Williston street, man walking into Atlas Petroleum building, Dormont Oil Company sign, sign pointing towards Burns Petroleum Corporation office, Register of Deeds office, men looking through county records, men building house, children reading books in school, town meeting with oil representatives answering questions, farmer pitching hay and stopping to watch airplane in flight, oil field, worker filling oil tank, train, wife sweeping front door steps stopping to watch nearby train with husband, farm across road, children walking on side of road and running towards school, man in truck rolling down window and handing lunch to son, oil workers, surveyor looking through Theodolite, workers rolling pipes, farmer standing next to pasture fence, icicles on building, children playing in playground, melting chunks of ice, stream running through prairie, oil field