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Clip #: TFA-161K
Length: 9:54
Year: 1927
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1920s
Region: North America
Country: Canada
Subject: Fishing
Original: 16mm
1920s, salmon run, king salmon, Pacific coast, salmon jumping out of water, salmon leaping out of turbulent waterfall white water, salmon in rushing water, salmon traveling down waterfall and jumping up waterfall, slow motion salmon struggling to not travel down waterfall, salmon elevator transporting salmon to still water, fish elevator, Native American fisherman using gaff to catch salmon in rushing water, fishing, Native American woman throwing catch, salmon being thrown into shallow water, Skeena River, British Columbia, Canada, cannery, children on fishing boat, fishermen releasing net into water, fishing boats traveling on river, fisherman raising sail, fishermen using seine net to bring in chum, fisherman using gill net to bring sockeye, coho and king salmon onto boat, men in tugboat unloading fish onto conveyor belt at cannery, Bellingham, Washington, Bellingham cannery, fish traveling up conveyor belt, water being sprayed onto fish, stacked crates, worker loading crates onto conveyor belt, crates being loaded into ship hold, ship departing dock, smoke coming out of ship funnel