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Clip #: TFA-166A
Length: 10:33
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Middle East
Country: Israel
City: Jerusalem
Subject: Street Scene
Original: 16mm
1950s, Middle East, Israel, Eddie Cantor talking about new democracy of Israel, National Action Day for Israel, train pov traveling on tracks, train pov land rushing past, train traveling on tracks, passengers seated in train car, boy looking out train window, hills from train window, train traveling through rural area, valley from train window, Solomon's Quarries, train pov residential buildings, train pov traveling on tracks and arriving at station, people standing on Jerusalem train station platform waving to approaching train, passengers disembarking train at station and exiting station, "Welcome within my gates, O' Jerusalem" sign, hand pointing to map of Jerusalem, Jerusalem cityscape, female and male police directing traffic, street scenes, old city, pedestrians, traffic, market, horse drawn carts, man riding horse on busy street, buses, government buildings, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israeli Declaration of Independence, man reading Laws of the State of Israel, Emblem of Israel flying on flagpole, menorah on top of synagogue, jews praying in front of ark and reading Torah in synagogue, church, Mount Zion, priests walking into entrance of Dormition Abbey, priest praying, worker unloading sacks from back of truck, pedestrians walking on King David Street, people shopping at book stall, women looking at window displays, men making brooms, worker inspecting machines in factory, male and female workers using machines in factories, buildings under construction, man drinking at food counter, pedestrians, woman walking dog, girl eating ice cream cone, portraits diverse inhabitants of Israel, children playing catch with ball, man jumping over high rope, boys playing basketball, girl scrubbing windowsill, street vendors, market, man standing next to printing press looking at paper with Hebrew text, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda's Hebrew dictionary, elderly man reading, men sitting at desk translating texts into Hebrew, chemist, people in library, people seated at desks, seminary, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Bezalel Museum / Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, people looking at paintings, string quartet, children leaving school, people boarding crowded bus, people exiting building, children in car blowing horns out windows, Sabbath, man closing shutters in front of store, bus parking in lot, boys walking on street carrying item between them, buildings, empty streets, elderly woman reading, cityscape, Mount Zion, Dormition Abbey