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Clip #: TFA-167C
Length: 8:18
Year: 1951
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: South Pacific
Country: Fiji
Subject: Fishing
Original: 16mm
1950s, South Pacific, Fiji, palm trees, beach, village, man and sons leaving hut carrying spears, man fishing in water with spear, women digging up tapioca roots in village garden, girl picking leaves from breadfruit tree, women roasting tapioca and taro roots over fire, men carrying fish caught on spears back to hut, people cooking fish, family eating meal outside, girl combing hair, children walking to school, teacher wearing native dress and sandals, teacher teaching students outdoors, teacher writing on blackboard, girl reading Fijian writing on blackboard out load, children making things out of strips of palm leaves, boy carving Lali drum, men building thatched roof hut, girl and woman finding spot for garden, women working in garden, women clearing weeds and grass from tapioca patch, child sitting in garden, boys playing tag during recess, girls playing clapping game, teacher summoning children at end of recess, boy climbing coconut palm and picking coconuts, boy using machete to cut open coconut, boy drinking water from coconut, village fishing party, boys making fishing net with palm leaves and vines, boys carrying fishing net into water, men and boys using fishing net to drive fish to beach, man pounding water to frighten fish toward beach, girl laying out palm leaves on ground, girl making flower garlands threaded on cords made from grass, men and boys holding net driving fish onto shore, men using spears to catch fish, boys putting fish on strings, natives having feast, adults eating meal, boys playing drums and clapping hands as girls dance seated on ground, palm trees along shore