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Clip #: TFA-179B
Length: 28:21
Year: 1963
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: South America
Subject: Famous Buildings
Original: 16mm
1960s, South America, silhouette cuddling couple watching sunset / sunrise over mountain, man looking at sunset / sunrise over water, airplane traveling on runway, PAA airplane in flight, cityscape surrounded by mountains, bubbling stream, vibrant flowers, fall leaves on ground underneath tree-lined boulevard, musicians singing and playing guitars for man and woman, men on horseback corralling cow, woman and man in traditional clothing performing dance with musicians accompanying them, people water skiing, people dressed in costume playing on beach, car POV driving on highway, Caracas cityscape, Venezuela, National Pantheon of Venezuela, modern high rise buildings, Hotel Tamanaco, outdoor swimming pool, man somersault diving off diving board into swimming pool, women in swimsuits walking near pool, server bringing drink to woman seated by swimming pool, woman swimming up to woman seated by pool, server bringing food to couple seated on lounge chairs, people seated in lounge chairs eating and drinking, people swimming in pool, woman swimming in Lake Maracaibo, offshore oil rigs, Buenos Aires, Argentina, cars driving on 9 de Julio Avenue, Obelisco de Buenos Aires, Plaza de la Rep�blica, Plaza de la Republica, Argentine National Congress Palace, Pir�mide de Mayo, children playing on fountain statue in front of Congress Palace, photographers taking photos of people in Plaza de la Rep�blica, Plaza de la Republica, soldiers marching, girl feeding pigeons, statues, children at open air comic book exchange, craftspeople making leather apparel goods, fashionably dressed women, shoemakers making shoes, cordwainers, female and male craftspeople making handbags, restaurant signs, chef turning over steak on grill, servers carving steak table-side and serving to couple dining in restaurant, couple eating steak, men playing golf, people horseback riding on Palermo Park path, horse racing at Hip�dromo de San Isidro, Hipodromo de San Isidro, crowds in grandstands, jockeys riding racehorses, race goers reading racing forms, scoreboards being raised, horses racing, spectators cheering and expressing disgust, Tigre, sailboats passing through harbor, couple holding hands and walking on path, Llao Llao Hotel, people seated at table overlooking lake, scenic lakeshore, Lake District, men fishing in lakes, trout fishing, Salto Grande, Dorado fish jumping on the air and trying to get free of fishing line, fisherman in fishing boat reeling in Dorado fish, man bringing Dorado fish onto boat with gaff, hunter blowing horn, hunters tracking stags, hunter looking through binoculars, hunters sitting around campfire, sunset / sunrise over water, Pampas, gauchos, gauchos on horseback herding livestock, gauchos sitting around campfire talking and drinking mate tea, meat cooking on campfire, gaucho cutting up campfire cooked meat, gauchos using big knives to eat meat, men and women performing traditional dances for bystanders, oxen driven cart on road, sailboat traveling on water, Uruguay, city buildings and equestrian statue, beach, people sitting on beach, Cantegril Country Club, server on bicycle bringing pitcher to couple seated on patio table, Montevideo, Plaza Independencia, Monumento La Carreta, S�o Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, high rise buildings, traffic on wide boulevard, pedestrians crossing street, man smelling coffee samples rotating on Lazy Susan, crane lifting sacks onto ship deck, modern high-rise buildings, modernist architecture, Brasilia, construction site, construction workers using tools, Cathedral of Brasilia, Os Candangos Sculpture, construction machinery, Supreme Federal Court Building, statues in pool in front of Court Building, National Congress Buildings, Rio de Janeiro, AERIAL coast, cityscape, harbor and beach, people relaxing on beach with umbrellas, beach volleyball, people in swimsuits on beach and wading in water, hotel outdoor swimming pool near beach, people swimming in pool, people relaxing and suntanning next to pool, couple holding hands and walking, smiling people, people grilling and eating sausages from skewers, man chopping coconuts, couple using straws to drink coconut milk from freshly cut coconut, Corcovado, woman and man at stand looking at souvenirs, woman and man walking up steps to Christ the Redeemer statue, Guanabara Bay and Rio de Janeiro cityscape, cable car to Sugarloaf Mountain, people walking on top of Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro harbor and cityscape from top of Sugarloaf Mountain, Carnival, adults and children, some in costumes, dancing and playing instruments in procession / parade through streets, parade floats, revelers walking on streets in early morning, sunrise over Rio, people pushing boat out to water from beach, Christ the Redeemer statue and Rio cityscape, airplane flying over Rio, airplane in flight
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