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Clip #: TFA-187C
Length: 8:07
Year: 1963
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: South America
Country: Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Subject: Government
Original: 16mm
1960s, Argentina, cattle drive, gaucho riding horse herding cattle, farmer plowing field with horse drawn plow, sacks being transported on horse drawn wagon, on conveyor belt and carried by workers onto stack, workers sitting on top of stacked sacks traveling on track to docked freighter ship, port, docked freighter ships, Cordoba, equestrian statue of General Jose De San Martin in Plaza San Martin, Buenos Aires, traffic and modern high rise buildings, street scenes, Obelisco de Buenos Aires, women standing in line, people voting by inserting ballots into ballot box, Juan Domingo Perón inserting ballot into ballot box, walking with group of men and speaking to audience, military parade, soldiers marching past crowds, Perón saluting, female workers in industrial factory, male workers, male worker watching as bottles of milk are filled by machinery, bottles of milk traveling on conveyor belt, men pushing cart full of crates, crowds in plaza, Eva Perón standing next to Juan Perón air kissing and waving at crowds from podium, people applauding as Eva and Juan Perón embrace, man talking on telephone in front of large window looking out to large building, crowds standing on sidewalk facing building, La Prensa headquarters, La Prensa Consultorios Medicos inscribed on door with men on other side, men looking at paperwork and talking on telephones in office, crowd walking through street with people carrying banners, Juan Perón addressing crowd outside from balcony, crowd in street cheering and applauding, 1955, military airplanes in flight, trucks carrying soldiers driving on street, Perón is overthrown, revolt, crowds in street as bonfire burns, Howitzer guns and soldiers on street, people throwing items and papers out of Partido Peronista / Peronist Party building windows, crowds in street next to bonfire, exiled Juan Perón waving, Argentine National Congress Palace, congress in session, Arturo Frondizi inserting ballot into ballot box, workers and machinery casting metal in foundry, workers at work in automobile factory, Buenos Aires cityscape, 1962, election, woman inserting ballot into ballot box, man emptying ballot box, ballots being read and tabulated, Peronista Party win election, Peronista supporters celebrate in street, soldier standing guard in street next to Peronist Party building, Arturo Frondizi walking with soldiers and boarding airplane, airplane taking off, Madrid, Spain, exiled Juan Perón, smiling Perón sitting in armchair petting dog, framed portrait of Eva Perón, Juan Perón walking outside house with man, José María Guido appointed interim President, 9 de Julio Avenue, modern high rise buildings and traffic, soldiers looking out window, crowds in Plaza de Mayo, people cheering and waving white handkerchiefs