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Clip #: TFA-188B
Length: 18:38
Year: 1962
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: Middle East
Country: Palestine
City: Jerusalem
Subject: Religion
Original: 16mm
1950s, Holy Land, Palestine, Middle East, map of Middle East, Jerusalem, Israel, coast, Mediterranean shores, desert hill country, river, car driving off road through desert, desert gorge, animal bones, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, palm trees, foliage, hillside town, threshing, goats on hillside, shepherd's sling, men wearing Keffiyeh, traditional culture, market, camels, Bedouin, map of locations around Jerusalem, passengers walking away from airplane, airport, Judean Mountains, tourists sightseeing, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, Eye of the Needle, star on the manger, Samaria Mountains, Plain of Esdraelon, Mount Tabor, Nazareth, Mary's Well, Fountain of the Virgin, Jordan Valley, River Jordan, Judea, road from Jerusalem to Jericho, Mount of Temptation, hill stream, palm tree oasis, water spring, women carrying water jugs on their heads, Cana, Sea of Galilee, fisherman fishing from shore, Tiberius, old city wall, Capernaum, dock, temple, Jesus, ruins, Feeding of the Five Thousand, spring, Church of the Beatitudes, Bethany, Tomb of Lazarus, tourists sightseeing, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Kidron Valley, Jewish burial grounds, Tomb of Absalom, Pool of Siloam, Golden Gate, Old City, Temple Mount, Dome of the Rock, Old City Walls, tourists sightseeing, Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, King David's Tomb, Church of St. Peter, Gallicantu, olive grove, friar tending garden, Church of All Nations, Lions' Gate, tour group, Pool of Bethesda, Golgotha, Calvary, old city streets, Chapel of the Crowning of Thorns, markers for stations of the cross, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Garden Tomb, Dome of the Rock, mosaics, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Acre, port, old city walls, modern Jerusalem, streets, traffic, old city of Jerusalem