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Clip #: MF-17E
Length: 9:26
Year: 1956
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: North America
Country: United States
Subject: Sports
Original: 35mm
1956, By-Line Newsreel, Washington D.C., African-Americans, Chairman of the Federal Parole Board and first Black appointed to Parole Board Colville Richardson on his way to work, Eisenhower appointees to important Labor Department positions Howard Jenkins and Roberta Church outside Department of Labor, Baltimore, Maryland, Pennsylvania Station, thirty six Black and White Marine reservists, under new six month Reserve Program by organized reserve training unit about to embark via train to Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, South Carolina for training, recruits and family members listening to speeches by General James Devereux, Director of Reserve Activities for Marine Corps Brigadier General Thomas Ennis and Secretary to Baltimore Mayor Walter Benemann, Walter Benniman, recruits and family carrying luggage and walking down stairs to train station platform, male recruit kissing sweetheart goodbye, marine recruits waving goodbye and boarding train, train departing station while family members watch and wave goodbye from platform, San Francisco, California, Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco skyline, San Francisco City Hall, Cow Palace, cow grazing in pasture, 1956 Republican National Convention, Former New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey receiving rousing ovation from rostrum, supporters holding up signs in favor of Eisenhower, interviews on street outside convention center with Black female Eisenhower supporters who have played important roles in convention, Coltons Point, Maryland, resort hotel, marina, Washington D.C. chapter of "The Continentals" hosts representatives from other Eastern seacoast chapters, representatives taking boat ride, woman taking group photo, punchbowl, guests relaxing at hotel outdoor swimming pool, women in swimsuits sitting alongside swimming pool dipping feet in water, woman jumping in pool and swimming, guests wading and swimming in pool, New York City, Manhattan, chorus girls spinning around and displaying “Ike†buttons, fashion models walking outside Bergdorf Goodman wearing “Ike" buttons, Fifth Avenue, 57th Street, elephant wearing “I like Ike†banner, Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, 1956 United States Olympic Track and Field Trials, members of Air Force and other athletes competing in track and field events, hurdles, long jump, pole vault, 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, sprint races, Baltimore, Maryland, Memorial Stadium, Baltimore Colts - Chicago Bears football game, Black football stars Lenny Moore for the Colts and Bobby Watkins for the Bears battling it out, packed stadium, spectators in stands applauding and cheering, football players seated on benches, Colts defeating Bears 28-21, Baltimore, Morgan State College, Hughes Stadium, opening CIAA football game between Morgan State and North Carolina State, spectators in stands, football players seated on bench, tie game, Brooklyn, New York, Ebbets Field, 1956 World Series First Game, Brooklyn Dodgers versus New York Yankees, baseball players shaking hands with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, photographers taking photos, Eisenhower throwing out ceremonial first pitch to Dodger Pitcher Roy Campanella