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Clip #: TFA-192C
Length: 17:40
Year: 1958
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Europe
Country: France
Subject: Farming
Original: 16mm
1950s, France, Normandy, Pays d'Auge, Normande Cattle grazing in field, woman milking cow, woman carrying buckets of milk into farmhouse, man pouring milk into machine, woman turning crank handle of milk machine, boy drinking milk from spout, man and woman pouring milk into barrel to make butter, woman and man turning crank handles on barrel, woman taking butter out of barrel, farm, ducks following woman, men sharpening tool on hand cranked sharpener, men and woman seated around table eating breakfast, haymaking, workers cutting hay, haymakers, workers raking hay, workers pitching hay onto haystack, apple trees in orchard, workers shaking tree branches to get apples out, woman putting apples from ground into basket and into sack, workers making apple cider, man tasting cider, Perche, Percheron draft horses, metallurgical industry, Caen, exterior and interior of factory, Louviers, female workers operating machines in textile factory, workers leaving factory, Rouen, port, crane transporting cargo, Le Havre, port, SS L'Atlantique ocean liner docked and in harbor