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Clip #: TFA-194A
Length: 34:35
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Africa
Country: South Africa
Subject: Native Life
Original: 16mm
1950s, South Africa, Cape of Good Hope, silver tea set, Eastern pottery, Cape Dutch Architecture, Table Mountain, ocean liner docking, passengers disembarking liner, Cape Town, street scenes, buildings and traffic, military parade / procession for Governor General, flower sellers, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, woman picking calla lilies, woman holding calla lilies and man walking in garden, brightly colored flowers, Table Mountain towering over garden, aerial cableway up Table Mountain, cityscape and coast views from top of Table Mountain, man and woman looking through telescope on top of Table Mountain, telescope view of mountains, fertile valley, grapes on vines, windmill, cars driving on peninsula highways, Muizenberg, crowded beach, secluded beach, coast, the garden route, hops growing, field of wildflowers, women walking through garden, people playing golf, coast, beach, timber being transported through forest, truck transporting timber on road, stinkwood, lumberyard, craftsman making craft out of stinkwood, man showing woman jewelry box made from stinkwood, Oudtshoorn, cars driving on mountain road, car stopped by flock of ostriches on road, people walking on farm looking at ostriches, ostrich eggs, girls holding and petting ostrich chick, flock of ostrich chicks, flock of ostriches, men pulling ostrich to have feathers removed, men riding ostriches and falling off, holiday resorts along coast, people on beach and in water, Rondavel huts, Port Elizabeth, Snake Park, native man holding snakes, city street scene, Transkei, Red Blanket people, Xhosa people, Umtata, caucasian people in souvenir shop looking at Xhosa beadwork, natives consulting with which doctor, Rondavel huts on hill, natives using oxen driven plow, native woman in traditional clothing and smoking pipe, caucasian people visiting village, caucasian people looking at native women in traditional clothing performing chores and singing / dancing, native women cultivating pineapple field, women carrying baskets of pineapples on their heads to truck, Port of East London, crane transporting cargo onto ship, people on beach and in water, boy playing in sand, speed boat race, Drakensberg, native server bringing tray to caucasian people seated at outdoor table, resort, people horseback riding in field near mountains, people seated on rock overlooking pond, couple wading and swimming in pond, woman taking off robe and sitting on rock as man dives into water, people hiking on mountain road, Drankenberg mountain range, Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, native woman in traditional clothing making beadwork, traditional Zulu beadwork, native family in traditional clothing, native child dancing as adults clap hands, Durban, coast and cityscape, buildings, business district, street scenes, horse racing, women wearing big hats at racetrack, Zulu rickshaw men in traditional clothing and headdresses on parade, Shembe gathering, Zulu people in traditional clothing singing and performing dances, Johannesburg, Jan Smuts International Airport, passengers boarding airplane, South African Airways airplane, airplanes taxiing on runway, baggage handlers loading luggage into airplane hold, Cape Town Kaapstad sign, London sign, passengers deplaning airplane, CAA Salisbury sign, Qantas airplane, KLM, PAA airplane, parked airplane, train passing under cars driving on bridge, high rise modern buildings, pedestrians walking across crosswalk, policeman directing traffic, people ordering in restaurant, cityscape, mine dancing, native men in traditional clothing performing dance for spectators, gold mine, piles of gold bars, Mozambique Chopi musicians playing as men perform dance, Kimberly, Big Hole, elderly man smoking pipe, native workers in open pit mine, diamond mining, coco pans carrying diamonds, visitors at De Beers Mine, diamonds being washed in trays, men sorting diamonds, woman examining large diamond, Pretoria, Union Buildings, Voortrekker Monument, Victoria Falls, palm trees, native men paddling canoe through serene water for caucasian couple, turbulent falls, airplane flying over Victoria Falls, sunset over serene water and coast, Kruger National Park, visitors getting into car, Rondavel huts, car driving through park, car POV driving on park road, impala crossing road, giraffes walking near stopped car, birds, monkeys, kudu, buffalos, Hluhluwe Game Reserve, man walking towards white rhinoceros, Kruger National Park, people getting out of car and walking up to lookout tower, lion walking across road in front of stopped cars, cars slowly driving behind lions walking on road, bird climbing into hole in tree, anteater curling into a ball, lion chewing on protected anteater, lions leaving and anteater walking away, elephants, elephant walking on road behind car