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Clip #: TFA-199G
Length: 13:24
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1920s
Region: Middle East
Country: Palestine
Subject: Religion
Original: 16mm
1920s, Palestine, Israel, Sichem, Valley of Shechem, Tell Balata, Balata al-Balad, ancient city, Bethel, caravan of pack donkeys in desert, old city street scene, Jacob's Well, native men in traditional clothing walking on road, Dothan, shepherd herding sheep, herd of goats, boys in traditional clothing soaking feet in Jacob's Well water, men riding donkeys and leading camels on road, camel caravan, camel train, valley, Joseph's Tomb, ancient city, Mount Gerizim, Mount Ebal, tent settlement, temple on Mount Gerizim, tribe of Samaritans, Samaria, Samaria ruins, city gate
4k master available. Shechem or Sichem was a Canaanite city mentioned in the Amarna letters, and is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as an Israelite city of the tribe of Manasseh and the first capital of the Kingdom of Israel