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Clip #: TFA-202A
Length: 9:41
Year: 1960
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: Africa
Country: Congo
Subject: Government
Original: 16mm
1960s, Congo, Africa, United Nations meeting, June 30, 1960, independence for Belgian Congo, Congo Crisis, Republic of Congo, Leopoldville, King Baudouin of Belgian deplaning at airport and being greeted by President elect Joseph Kasavubu and Prime Minister elect Patrice Lumumba, Africans applauding and cheering, King Baudouin and President elect Joseph Kasavubu riding in motorcade, King Baudouin giving speech, people standing up and applauding, Republic of Congo map, Congo River, native village and boats along Congo River, native women doing household chores, drummers, native men performing traditional dance, tribal mask, Prime Minister elect Patrice Lumumba seated on chair being carried by men, crowds rejoicing, riots, Congolese Army mutinied, Joseph Mobutu, Patrice Lumumba taken prisoner and hands bound, Katanga, Katanga proclaims independence, Moise Tshombe receives Belgian support for setting up regime, Moise Tshombe giving speech, soldiers of independence regimes fighting each other, New York, East Midtown Manhattan skyline with United Nations building and Chrysler Building, Central Congolese Government appeals to United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld, UN peacekeeping mission to Congo, military airplane landing at airport, cargo being unloaded from plane, military volunteers, armed soldiers, Tshombe revolt put down, Katanga rejoins the Congo Republic, Tshombe agrees to forgo revolutionary activity, flags being hoisted on flagpoles, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai deplanes and being greeted by Algerian President Ben Bella, Zhou Enlai waving as he walks with Ben Bella, Anastas Mikoyan deplaning at Ghana and being greeted by Kwame Nkrumah, Mikoyan and Nkrumah walking on tarmac, Mikoyan and Nkrumah giving speech, UN peace force boarding U.S. Air Force aircraft and leaving Congo, Moise Tshombe becomes Congo Premier, crowds rejoicing with Tshombe, November 1963, Leopoldville, Russian Embassy staff ordered to leave country, men carrying supplies out of Russian Embassy, Soviet officials boarding airplane, Russian made weapons and war material being transported on ship to Congolese Rebels on ship, Communist insurgents, soldiers, fighting between Communist insurgents and Tshombe government, November 1964, United States of Belgium undertake mission to rescue hostages from rebels, American transports flying Belgian paratroopers over Congo jungle to city of Stanleyville, military aircrafts taxiing on runway, rescued hostages being transported, dead hostages being transported off aircraft by soldiers, American flag being placed over dead hostage body, priest giving blessing to dead hostage bodies