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Clip #: TFA-206A
Length: 9:25
Year: 1952
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Africa
Country: Egypt
Subject: Crime
Original: 35mm
1950s, Africa, Egypt, narcotics, drug smuggling, drug addiction, Cairo, bare chested young men standing at attention, bare chested young men flexing biceps, worker carrying 300 pound cotton bale on his back, workers loading cotton bale onto train, men using traditional well method to irrigate valley, man revealing drugs smuggled in orange and bread, camel caravan, drugs being smuggled in camel's hump fur, policemen searching nomads for drugs, hashish, drug dealer, drug addicts smoking drugs, addicts high on drugs, crowd of men walking on street, group of addicts sitting on ground, family seated on ground, imprisoned addicts standing and walking in a line, woman swallowing drugs as policeman grabs her, imprisoned female drug peddlers lined up, female addict going through withdrawal, cemetery, man dying and being pushed into pit to be devoured by vultures
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