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Clip #: TFA-208G
Length: 12:53
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1920s
Subject: Agriculture
Original: 16mm
1920s, sugar, sugar beet, animation of sugar beet growing from seedling, animation of knife cutting beet section, animation of beet roots gathering moisture from soil, animation of juice coursing up to foliage, animation of knife cutting beet leaf and showing juice veins and chlorophyl cells, animation of juice becoming charged with sugar content, animation of sugar juice traveling down to beet tuber, horse drawn agricultural digging machine, workers cutting tops off sugar beets in field, sugar beet topper machine, workers digging up sugar beets and loading into horse-drawn wagon, sugar beets being transported on conveyor belt at railroad loading station, beets being transported to mill in horse-drawn wagon and dumped out, beets being screened in machine to remove loose dirt, beets being transported on conveyor belt to storage bins, worker using pickaxe to move beets into flume, beets traveling on flume rushing water to mill, trash catcher, motor driven well pump, beets being washed, beets being elevated to roof by electric power, beets dropping into weighing hopper, beets being dropped info shredder, corrugated knife blade, beets being cut into v shape shreds by corrugated knife blades, worker moving and stomping on beet shreds in vat, hot water circulating through cells and removing sugar content, pulp being dumped, juice being pumped to liming tanks, juice being filtered and lime discharged, juice being filtered, liquid being reduced by exhaust steam from steam turbines, liquid being boiled under vacuum until crystallized, molasses being separated from sugar crystals by centrifugal force, moist sugar being conveyed to motor driven steam heated dryer, sugar being screened, worker bagging sugar, sugar beet displayed next to amount of sugar it contains, woman seated at table spooning sugar into food and putting sugar cubes into cup