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Clip #: TFA-223A
Length: 23:32
Year: 1962
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: South Dakota
Subject: National Parks
Original: 16mm
1960s, Jack Douglas, South Dakota, Black Hills, woods, swimming hole, lake, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Black Hills National Forest entrance sign, cars driving on Black Hills roads, Ponderosa Pines, Rapid City cityscape, street scenes, traffic, Canyon Lake, woman and child holding hands and walking on grass, men fishing off pier into lake, motels along lake, Reptile Gardens, Earl Brockelsby with Chinese Rat Snakes, Galápagos tortoises, Galapagos tortoises, man feeding tortoise, child riding tortoise, alligator wrestling show with handler Bob Belshire, handler forcing alligator's mouth open, handler wrestling alligator onto his back, handler waking up alligator by tapping on jaw, Horseless Carriage Museum, antique cars, women sitting in antique cars honking horns and pretending to drive, 1910 speedster, 1905 Stanley Steamer, children crossing footbridge, Storybook Island, miniature castle, boy walking under rainbow archway, children running and playing in family fun park, children going down slides, swans, fawns, girl feeding fawn through fence, Dinosaur Park, children climbing on dinosaur statues, Hill City, people boarding narrow gauge train, steam engine, "Klondike Casey," engineer, train traveling through countryside, train stopping at "Oblivion" clearing, Mount Roosevelt, Mt. Roosevelt, scenic panoramic view from top of Mount Roosevelt, Deadwood, cityscape, historic buildings, Main Street, Prospector's shop, "Them Suffern Snak Bit Surved Ferst" sign, Wild Bill Bar, saloon where Wild Bill Hickok was shot, grocery store where Jack McCall was captured, Mount Moriah Cemetery, Wild Bill Hickock grave, Calamity Jane grave, Potato Creek Johnny grave, John Perrett, Belle Fourche, parade, marching band, people riding horses and holding flags in parade, Black Hills Roundup, rodeo, majorette twirling baton, clown, rodeo grounds, rodeo events, mounted quad drill, Jan Warvels wearing Native American headdress riding bareback and jumping over obstacles including car, trick riding, Jim and Jan Warvels riding "Roman style" while standing atop horses, Jim & Jan Warvels Roman Riders, bronc riding, bareback bronc, bull riding, spectators sitting on fence watching events, teams of men struggling to saddle and ride wild horses, wild horse kicking man on ground, man riding wild horse, galloping wild horses, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, "Whirlybirds" view sign, helicopter lifting off, aerial Mount Rushmore, people looking at sculptures, Gutzon Borglum, Highway 87, Black Hills National Forest, people at lookout point, Needles rock formations, Cathedral Spires and Limber Pine Natural Area, deer walking near and crossing highway in front of car, elk walking in water, Custer State Park Zoo, animals in enclosures, timber wolf, black bear, boy petting deer through fence, Custer State Park, Stockade Lake, Gordon Stockade, men walking around stockade, Annie D. Tallent cabin, Annie D. Tallent Memorial, cars driving on park road, cars stopping at side of road to feed and pet roaming burros, Wind Cave National Park, Wind Cave National Park, prairie grasslands, herd of bison crossing highway, buffalos, "buffalo are dangerous" sign, people stopped along highway to look at bison, grazing bison herd, pronghorn antelope herd, tipis, war bonnet, Sioux Pow Wow, Rapid City, Native Americans in traditional clothing and headdresses performing tribal dances, drums being played, Native American spectators, sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski looking at his sculptures, Bust of Paderewski, Ziolkowski reading letter from Standing Bear, Ziolkowski's house in Black Hills, Ziolkowski waving goodbye to his children in pool, Ziolkowski sculpting Crazy Horse Memorial plaster scale model in his outdoor studio, Thunderhead Mountain, Ziolkowski drilling mountain, explosion on mountain, Crazy Horse Memorial scale model superimposed next to Thunderhead Mountain, Ziolkowski getting into jeep, Ziolkowski driving jeep on mountain and standing on edge of cliff, people looking at bust, Ziolkowski touching Crazy Horse Memorial scale model and looking at Thunderhead Mountain, sunset