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Clip #: TFA-225A
Length: 50:55
Year: 1955
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Arctic
Subject: Explorers
Original: 16mm
1950s, Central Arctic, North Pole, 1914, Georgy Sedov charting with instruments, Sedov expedition to North Pole, expedition members, dogsled, artwork depicting arctic exploration, Fridtjof Nansen portrait, Robert Peary expedition, painting of Salomon August Andrée flying in hydrogen balloon, August Andree, Jan Nagórski portrait with airplane, Jan Nagorski, Roald Amundsen portrait, aerial icy fields, 18th Century, Mikhail Lomonosov portrait, Russian Arctic explorers, portraits of Russian sailing vessels traveling to Arctic, maps, icebergs, Arctic coastline, shore, birds nesting on steep cliffs, polar bear family on ice, walruses swimming in water, aerial mountains, seaways, Russian research on Arctic, Vladimir Lenin, ship traveling along Arctic coastline, polar station being set up, 1932, Soviet Icebreaker A. Sibiyakov travels Northern sea route in single navigation season, Icebreaker stuck in ice after shaft broke, crew trying to free boat from ice, improvised sails made from canvas, Icebreaker crew firing rifles from Icebreaker in Bering Straits, SS Chelyuskin traveling Northern sea route, Chelyskin sinks on February 13, 1934, Chelyuskinites stranded on ice, search and rescue operation, aircraft pilots rescuing Chelyuskinites, Northern Sea Route shown on globe, aerial North Pole, 1937, Otto Schmidt expedition, Otto Schmidt with pilot Vodopyanov, May 21, Soviet flag raised over North Pole, members of Schmidt exhibition remaining behind to make scientific observations on drifting ice, North Pole 1 Drifting Station, Pyotr Shirshov, Yevgeny Fyodorov, Ernst Krenkel, Ivan Papanin, aerial airplane shadow in flight, Soviet airplane landing on snow covered North Pole, man gesturing to direct airplane, flag being hoisted on North Pole and onlookers clapping, expedition members pitching tent, blizzard, exhibition members struggling to anchor airplane down to ice as strong winds blow, ice fields cracking under weight of airplanes, ice fields jamming into ice packs, men turning airplane propeller, pilot taxiing airplane on ice, men pulling rope to move airplane, man using makeshift raft to cross body of water that has formed from crack in ice, men filling ice cracks with jagged chunks of ice, pilot operating controls in cockpit, airplane taking off from ice field, Soviet scientists in airplane, Central Arctic exploration, aerial airplane flying over ice fields, scientists unloading equipment from airplane and conducting observations, astronomer, meteorologist and hydrologist using equipment, tent being set up to house portable laboratory, scientists working in tent laboratory, Central Polar Basin, March 1954, aerial airplanes parked on fringe of Arctic Ocean, men trying to warm up from cold, polar bear cub, expedition to Central Arctic, hundreds of tons of cargo, Soviet airplane in flight, ice reconnaissance being conducted from airplanes flying over Central Polar Basin, aerial Central Polar Basin, North Pole 3 Drifting Station, North Pole 4 Drifting Station, pilot preparing to land airplane on unknown ice field, airplanes landing on ice, helicopter in flight and flying over ice, dog climbing out of airplane, expedition members setting up and moving North Pole 4 Drifting Station houses, hydrologist using electric saw to cut through 13 feet of ice, 86th Parallel, North Pole 3 Drifting Station being set up, messroom being built, men pulling piano to messroom, expedition members smiling as man plays piano, snow buntings on ice, scientists conducting tests at Drifting Station, aerostat, hydrologist examining sample taken from ocean bottom and looking at sea life including crayfish, scientists traveling in helicopter to areas far away from Drifting Stations, dynamite being used to break up larger chunks of ice, hydrologists testing water, hydrologists standing near abandoned tents sent up on ice field of original North Pole 2 Drifting Station, tents perched atop ice pedestals, Soviet airplane landing on ice field, supplies being unloaded from airplane, people looking through packages and mail, man smelling flower bouquet, summer in Arctic, scientist measuring sun's energy, scientist gardening and watering soil in planter, scientist looking through magnifying lens at soil in planter, icicles, shirtless man exiting tent, puppies lying on straw, men bathing in water, man transporting fresh water in barrel on sled, dogs following man, polar bear cubs, man walking through severe slush, men trying to prevent melting snow from flooding tents, living quarters being relocated to dryer area, polar mechanic drilling into ice so that melting water flows under ice into ocean, man pouring out water from boot, North Pole 4 Drifting Station, man wading through water as mechanic tries to drain off melting ice water, men and dog traveling in boat around camp, icebergs, helicopter flying over ocean, aerial Drifting Station on ice field, Soviet Arctic fleet ships traveling on Northern Sea Route, Siberian timber and goods being transported and loaded onto freighter ship bound for Soviet Union, Arctic Navigation headquarters, Arctic ship captains, man looking through binoculars and signaling with hand, ships traveling through icy water, September in Arctic, blizzard blowing through Drifting Stations, man exiting tent and struggling to walk through snow covered Drifting Station as fierce wind blows, weatherman and scientists taking measurements in blizzard, man holding onto rope as he struggles to walk through blizzard, men walking through blizzard and entering living quarters, man cleaning snow from glasses, furnace door being opened, man warming hands near fire, doctor treating patient's skin, men playing chess and reading newspapers, library, dominos game, chef carrying birthday cake with lit candles and giving to man as men clap hands, men clinking mugs together, Polar night, helicopter flying low over ice field at night as light shines on ice, searchlight, camp shrouded in darkness, weatherman and scientists taking measurements in darkness, aurora borealis illuminating sky above camp, men holding lit flares as they walk through darkness, portable radio station, men entering tent, men bathing inside tent, men in tent listening to Russian radio broadcast with weatherman's daughter speaking to him, men sleeping, wind blowing through camp at night, radio operator, man putting cigarette into full ashtray, editorial board of camp newspaper at work, searchlight, North Pole 3 Drifting Station, ice cracks and begins to move, man shouting, man hitting gong, man waking up to gong sound and waking up man from sleep, men rushing out of tents and into camp shrouded in darkness, camp divided into two parts by water, men using plank to cross and pull stoves over ice fissure, man holding lit flare as men rush to save helicopter from encroaching ice fissure, men rushing to move camp to adjacent ice field, explosives and ice pick being used to break up pack ice, makeshift bridge being thrown across fissure so that tractor can cross, tractor pulling living station and men transporting supplies to relocated camp, men lighting and smoking cigarettes, man smoking pipe as he removes day pages from calendar, scientist working in laboratory, man writing, man setting up framed pictures and belongings, man lighting stove, men clustered around piano singing song about life on Drifting Station as man accompanies on piano, man smoking pipe, men carrying lit flare and pulling sled walking through windy camp at night, radio operator informing of arrival of plane, men carrying lit flares, illuminated grounding signals set up on ice field for arriving plane, airplane landing on ice field, visitors talking with camp workers, supplies being unloaded from airplane, mail bag being unpacked, scientists writing summaries of findings, station chief, route of drifting ice stations being charted on map, dawn over drifting station, sun emerges, tractor plowing ice, helicopter flying over ice field, Station team members setting down luggage as they prepare to depart, scientists shaking hands / embracing each other as some prepare to leave, men waving as they board airplane, aerial scientists waving to departing airplane as it takes off, airplane in flight, crowd of children and adults holding flowers and veterans of Arctic exploration waiting to greet scientists as they land, scientists deplaning and being greeted, Soviet flag being raised at North Pole Drifting Station as new team of scientists prepares to begin work, aerial over Drifting Station