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Clip #: TFA-228A
Length: 30:19
Year: 1957
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Filmmaker: Armand Denis
Region: Africa
Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
Subject: Animals
Original: 16mm
1950s, Africa, Kenya, Armand Denis, Michaela Denis, aerial Mount Kenya peaks, Armand and Michaela Denis seated in airplane looking out window as Armand films view, Hunting-Clan Air Transport airplane landing and taxiing, airstairs being rolled to airplane and passengers deplaning, Armand and Michaela shaking flight attendant's hand and deplaning, Amboseli National Park, Amboseli Game Reserve, Armand and Michaela talking about search for "Gertie" a female rhinoceros with enormous forward pointed horn, Armand and Michaela driving in jeep through Amboseli National Park, safari, Armand and Michaela filming young impala herd from jeep, impala grooming each other, impala baby nursing, Armand and Michaela driving jeep off road, Armand and Michaela walking cautiously towards herd of giraffes, giraffes eating from low trees, Armand and Michaela crouched down as he films giraffes, rhinoceroses, rhino, rhinoceros attempting to attack Armand and Michaela's car as she photographs it, elephant using trunk to drink and move branches out of his path, elephant's trunk, Armand and Michaela standing near elephant with back to them, Michaela taking photograph, Armand and Michaela driving near elephant who hides as she attempt to photograph it, elephant walking through open, Armand and Michaela cautiously driving towards elephant as she photographs it, Armand waving to elephant as they drive away, Armand showing photograph Michaela took of elephant, Armand and Micaela driving through park in jeep, Armand and Michaela getting out of jeep on hill and looking down at thick bush area, Armand looking through binoculars, view through binoculars of impala, elephants, giraffes and rhinoceroses, rhinos, view through binoculars "Gertie" rhino, Armand and Michaela quickly walking down hill and towards rhinoceros, Armand and Michaela crouched filming and photographing rhinoceroses, rhinocerose eating and running away, Armand and Michaela cautiously creeping towards rhinoceros, "Gertie" rhino emerging from behind bush, Armand and Michaela crouched down in grass and filming "Gertie," "Gertie" eating and walking, Armand and Michaela driving off in jeep, Michaela talking about arrival of goliath beetle, Armand picking up goliath beetle flipped on it's back, goliath beetle climbing tree branches, goliath beetle next to ruler, goliath beetle on top of mango, goliath beetle eating, Michaela talking about pets, Armand and Michaela holding and petting pet Awild cat, wild cat playing with string, Michaela picking up and petting wild cat, Armand talking about pet baby chimpanzee, baby chimpanzee climbing out of playpen, Michaela smiling and encouraging chimpanzee to walk to her, baby chimpanzee walking to Michaela, Michaela holding baby chimpanzee, Armand and Michaela holding baby chimpanzee and saying goodbye