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Clip #: TFA-234A
Length: 12:57
Year: 1954
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: South Asia
Country: India
City: Varanasi
Subject: Native Life
Original: 16mm
1950s, India, Indian people, woman carrying young boy over to man, man bouncing boy on his lap and washing / drying his face, boy and girl playing with chicks, boy making clay marbles and playing marbles with other boys, girl wearing sari walking to school, girl watching children spin cotton, boy reading alphabet book as teacher watches over and points to page, agriculture class, boys pulling up water jug from well and pouring into watering cans, boy using watering can to water plants, estate, mansion, caretaker's bungalow, Banaras, Varanasi, old city gate street scene , pedestrians, man riding bicycle, man leaning bicycle against wall and delivering message to woman outside house, woman signing book for man showing that message was delivered, man exiting through gate on bicycle, boy running on road next to bicycle rickshaw and toward house, caretaker unloading visitor's luggage from bicycle rickshaw, visitor wearing traditional suit getting out of rickshaw and being greeted by estate owners with Namaste gesture, Sherwani, boy and girl picking tomatoes from garden as man and woman clear weeds in plot near mansion, boy and girl carrying basket of tomatoes, woman picking up and carrying basket of weeds on her head, man feeding chained up cow, boy feeding chained up calf, children watching woman lift irrigation water from well, boys lifting irrigation water from well, children and adults walking in field near irrigation canal, boys watching snake charmer, young boy chewing on sugarcane, boy climbing on log pile, man getting into horse drawn carriage with boy and riding to Banaras market, man and boy shopping at vegetable market, vendor weighing vegetables with hand balance, street scenes, man buying tropical fruit from roadside stand, traffic, pedestrians, carts, carriages, man buying soap from old man, man emptying pouch into his palm and counting coins / paying, man and boy shopping from grain store, vendor and man pouring grain from scale onto scarf and securely tying it up, man and boy carrying purchases and boarding horse drawn carriage, family walking on road and down public steps to Ganges River, family bathing in Ganges River, family putting on clean clothes, woman putting on blouse under sari, man putting on dhoti, man and woman washing dirty clothes in river, family walking on road headed home, woman grinding flour for bread as child holds onto her and rocks in same motion, traveling barber giving boy haircut, woman cooking traditional Indian meal in kitchen, woman stirring curry as it cooks, woman rolling out and cooking roti on open pan, girl pouring water over boy's hands so that he can wash them, young boy eating food from pan with his hands, man smoking from hookah as he sits next to boy, man putting young boy wearing sari on his lap