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Clip #: TFA-235A
Length: 9:46
Year: 1931
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Region: Caribbean
Country: Haiti
Subject: Famous Buildings
Original: 16mm
1930s, Caribbean, Haiti, shore, harbor, masts of docked boats, Haitians selling goods near waterfront, dock, fishermen, men hoisting sail, proprietress standing in "Hotel Palace" entrance, Tom Terriss opening ancient treasure chest belonging to Jean-Jacques Dessalines, elaborate treasure chest lock design based on gates of Spanish castles, Tom Terriss closing treasure chest and removing brass key, gold and jeweled encrusted crown, proprieties waving from balcony, women fishing with baskets, woman getting into dugout canoe as other woman paddles, woman guiding dugout canoe to shore and getting out, bare chested women fishing with baskets, people unloading supplies from dugout canoe and leading horse out of water, people loading heavy saddlebags onto horse, woman mounting horse carrying heavy saddlebags, mist covered mountains, valley, Milot, Citadelle Laferrière, Citadelle Laferriere, Tom Terriss climbing Citadelle steps, bronze cannons, Tom Terriss walking through dark passageway leading to dungeon, Tom Terriss looking through telescope, fortresses' roof, Tom Terriss exploring Sans-Souci Palace ruins, Tom Terriss walking up palace grand stairway, sentry boxes, courtyard, king's bedchamber, window, Henri Christophe mausoleum