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Clip #: TFA-239A
Length: 24:57
Year: 1945
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Carl Dudley
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: California
Subject: Railroads
Original: 16mm
1940s, Southern California, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, AT&SF, Santa Fe railroad, train, Los Angeles, Union Station, freeway, downtown street scenes, high rise buildings, pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrians, traffic, Santa Fe sign, Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles Mission, intersection of 2nd and Spring Street traffic signal and street signs, Los Angeles City Hall, Miracle Mile, Wilshire Boulevard, May Company Building, Prudential Building, the Brown Derby, Ambassador Hotel, outdoor swimming pool, Ambassador Lido Club, women diving from board into pool, Los Angeles Tennis Club, tennis match being watched by spectators, spectators in bleachers moving heads in unison as they watch game being played, Griffith Observatory, women looking through telescope, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, people walking through park and looking at replica of Michelangelo's David, church, fountain, Pasadena, Huntington Library, Hollywood Boulevard, Grauman's Chinese Theatre, celebrity imprinted hand and footprints on sidewalk, Gary Cooper, Shirley Temple, Nelson Eddy, Sunset and Vine, NBC Western Headquarters, people entering building, Sunset Boulevard, Columbia Broadcasting System building, CBS, people entering CBS building, spectators watching baseball game, Hollywood Bowl, Easter Sunrise Service, RKO Radio Pictures Inc. building, Paramount Pictures studio, man winding film on reel, guard writing on clipboard outside Republic Pictures Studio building, Columbia Pictures Corporation building, Warner Brothers Pictures building, man standing next to flashing light outside Stage 4, man walking towards Universal Pictures Company Inc. building entrance, 20th Century Fox sign, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios gate, MGM, Sunset Boulevard, Sunset Strip, street scenes, traffic, pedestrians, woman looking at antique shop window as she walks down sidewalk, Associated Booking Corporation, nightclub and restaurant awnings and signs, La Rue, Mocambo, Ciro's, man selling star maps on sidewalk and pointing out locations on map to tourists, man and woman riding tandem bicycle through Beverly Hills past grandiose homes, car driving into entrance of Beverly Hills Hotel, outdoor swimming pool, men diving into pool, Miramar Hotel facade, Freebooters versus Beverly Hills polo match, Will Rogers Polo Club, men playing golf, UCLA, University of Southern California Los Angeles, students walking around campus, Royce Hall, USC, University of Southern California, students walking around campus, Bovard Auditorium, Tommy Trojan, Trojans versus Bruins football game, spectators cheering with arms raised in air, Santa Catalina Island, steamer approaching dock, beach, sailboating, beach volleyball, people sunbathing on beach, ski racing, Riverside, Mission Inn, man diving off board into swimming pool, Piru, orange grove, workers packing oranges into crates which are stacked onto truck, workers using hand carts to push stacked crates, Sunkist, San Bernadino, Orange Show, fair, people walking through fairgrounds, Hopalong Cassidy riding horse surrounded by crowd of fairgoers, Los Angeles County Fair, Pomona, fairgrounds, tram, man pushing sleeping girl in stroller, Fun Zone, ferris wheels, side show, Hollywood Park Racetrack, jockeys riding racehorses past spectators, horse racing, Santa Anita Park, jockeys riding horses on track before post time, starting gate being opened at start of race, horse race, Lake Arrowhead, boy water skiing, El Camino Real, missions, mission facade under construction, orange tree next to bell tower, Mission San Juan Capistrano, people walking through mission grounds and garden, Long Beach, Municipal Auditorium, Port of Los Angeles, cargo being unloaded from ship to dock, train, railroad, workers loading tires into AT&SF / Santa Fe Canyon Line freight train car, Los Angeles Union Stock Yards, Union Stockyards, packinghouse, oil wells, factory, factory workers, steel foundry, Kaiser Steel Plant, Fontana, aircraft manufacturing plant, plant workers performing maintenance on airplanes, AT&SF / Santa Fe train traveling south from Los Angeles along coast, Laguna Beach, traffic on major roadway, pottery stand, Del Mar racetrack, horse racing, La Jolla, beach, coast, smiling woman wearing bikini, group of women walking on path, San Diego, Hotel San Diego, street scenes, traffic, pedestrians, San Diego Zoo, tour bus, giraffe in enclosure, children looking at elephant, bear splashing in water, aircraft factory, sailors and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton marines marching, military parade, Coronado Ferry, cars driving through ferry entrance, ferry traveling across Bay, Hotel del Coronado, outdoor swimming pool, Mexico, Tijuana, border crossing, street scenes, traffic, El Sombrero Restaurant, female tourists wearing sombreros having photograph taken on Tijuana Zebra cart tourist attraction, Palm Springs, Circus Week Parade, Charles Farrell watching parade, majorettes and marching band, Jerry Colonna sitting atop horse taking cowboy hat off and smiling, Leo Carrillo smiling and tipping cowboy hat, smiling woman wearing swimsuit and holding ribbons riding in convertible, AT&SF / Santa Fe train arriving at Pasadena station, New Year's Day, Rose Parade, Tournament of Roses Parade, parade floats, charros riding horseback in parade, onlookers watching parade, women waving from floats, Santa Fe train traveling on tracks. St Timothy's Church, Rancho Municipal golf course
HD master available. Film's copyright says 1945 but the film includes scenes that appear to have been shot after 1950.