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Clip #: TFA-254A
Length: 29:42
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Africa
Subject: Animals
Original: 16mm
1950s, East Africa, aerial Mount Kenya peak, Kenya, aerial Nairobi cityscape, skyline, street scenes, wide street lined with palm trees, traffic, pedestrians crossing street, double decker bus, Parliament House and clock tower, Jamia Mosque, Nairobi National Park, game reserve, wildlife, giraffe walking on road and running / walking in field, herd of antelope, baby and adult zebras, ostrich, baboon sitting on car hood, male and female lions lying and walking together, jackal, vultures, Thomson's gazelle, Thomson's Falls, umbrella thorn trees, woman walking through countryside, native person walking near herd of grazing cattle, mountains West of Nairobi, native tribe, market, native women wearing large earrings and with stretched ears, tribal ear stretching, Uganda, Lake Victoria, Entebbe, women walking through botanical garden, flowering plants including mimosa flower, passion flower, bamboo flower, bird of paradise flower, hibiscus, wildlife, tree frog, butterflies, birds, Kampala, street scenes, traffic, Anglican Cathedral, Saint Paul's Cathedral Namirembe, Rubaga Cathedral, church congregation dressed in brightly colored attire standing on Cathedral steps, Makerere College, Makerere University, Main Building, banana market, Murchison Falls, calmer waters below falls, Lake Albert, Victoria Falls, elephants grazing and fighting on banks, crocodiles entering water or walking on banks, hippos, swimming hippopotamuses, crocodile sleeping with mouth open, Kenya, Kericho, Tea Hotel, tea plantations, female workers cultivating tea fields, female worker cultivating tea field carrying sleeping baby on back, village of thatched roof huts, grazing cattle, woman carrying jug on her head, market, vendors selling beaded jewelry and gourds, musicians singing and playing traditional instruments including lute while crowd of people dance nearby, native men and women wearing long earrings / stretched ears and multiple beaded necklaces, native men dressed in traditional attire and holding shields and lances performing war dance, Mombasa, aerial coastline, port, street scenes, tea cart vendor, giant aluminum elephant tusks lining Moi Avenue, Zanzibar, street scenes, Islamic Architecture, mosques, Arab men wearing headscarfs, native children, man sharpening knife, man delivering Brooke Bond Tea in cart, harbor, palm tree lined beaches, Sultan’s Palace, car kicking up dust on on dirt road, Tanzania, zeal of zebras, Arusha, clocktower, New Arusha Hotel, “this spot is exactly half way between the Cape & Cairo & the exact centre of Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika” sign, market, woman wearing large beaded earrings looking at beaded jewelry stand, game reserve, Tanganika, game reserve, giraffes, people on safari looking through binoculars at wildlife, elephants, herd of elephants foraging in grass and kicking up dust, trumpeting elephants congregating in group and preparing to charge, baboons searching for roots in ground, herd of giraffe, two rhinos sitting together in grass, rhinoceroses, rhino walking and running through grass, elephant inquest, rangers using knife to extract elephant tusks, lions eating carcass, satisfied lion after feasting on carcass, other scavengers feasting on carcass remains, game warden playing with lioness, birds, starlings, shrike, tribe, Maasai tribe, Maasai people wearing traditional attire and holding spears standing with tourists outside truck, portraits Maasai people, Maasai people herding cattle, Maasai women adorned in beaded jewelry, Kikuyu tribe, village of clustered huts, Kikuyu people, Kikuyu woman wearing large hoop earrings, Samburu tribe, bare chested Samburu women and adorned in beaded jewelry weaving leaves, unsmiling Samburu adults and children, Kenya, Treetops Hotel overlooking watering hole, Aberdare National Park, elephant, warthog, baboon, man feeding baboon adult and baby, wildlife, smiling native woman carrying pot on her head, shore, Brooke Bond Tea van driving on road near village