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Clip #: TFA-256A
Length: 42:45
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: South America
Country: Brazil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Subject: Religion
Original: 16mm
1950s, South America, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, map of South America with arrow pointing to Rio de Janeiro, brightly colored flowers, Christ the Redeemer statue, men standing at base of statue, cityscape from Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado mountain, skyline, aerial cable car climbing to top of Sugarloaf Mountain, aerial tram, panoramic views of cityscape / skyline from aerial cable car, tram passengers, man and woman riding aerial tram looking out windows at views, workman checking cables riding on top of aerial tram, Copacabana beach, surfers paddling out into surf, people relaxing on beach, traffic and modern resort hotels on Avenida Atlântica, Avenida Atlantica, Atlantic Avenue, Carioca Aqueduct, Arcos da Lapa, airplane propeller in motion, aerial snow covered mountain peak, shepherds herding sheep, car pov approaching hospital, Mato Grosso, "Hospital Matogrossense do Pênfigo" sign, Christian Missionaries, Christianity, car stopping at Hospital Matogrossense do Penfigo and passengers getting out, medical missionaries, Foto Selvagem disease, "Savage Fire," doctor examining young infected patient lying in hospital bed, "Savage Fire," child and toddler boy covered in blisters, medical missionaries applying compound of tar, oil and chemicals to children's skin as one cries, patient being trained to walk again before sores still have healed, doctors praying over dead body with crossed arms lying in hospital bed, doctor conducting laboratory tests, medical missionary greeting and examining face of Japanese girl recovered from "Savage Fire," boat carrying medical missionary traveling on river as people wave from shore, families traveling in canoes on tributaries, medical missionary disembarking from docked boat and shaking hands with man greeting him, medical missionary making house call, boat transporting medical missionary to floating church, medics carrying patient on stretcher from boat, dentist performing dental procedure on woman while adults and children nearby watch, mountain range, llama, world's highest standard gauge railroad, automobile running on rails, Lake Titicaca, Indian tribe living on floating islands, Uru people, Uros, Uros girl using stone to grind grain, Uros girl cooking outdoors with clay cooking stove and clay pots, farmer using oxen driven plow, woman gathering grain from field, airplane propeller in motion, aerial arid and desolate mountain landscape, missionary riding horse through desert and pausing for directions / talking to Indigenous people, church in desert, herd of llamas, church congregation reading bibles, missionary giving speech to crowd of Indigenous people, aerial Andes Mountains, railroad bridge over highway, truck driving on road high in mountains, missionary driver wearing oxygen mask, driver fixing engine on stalled truck which has broken down from lack of air, perilous mountain road, crosses marking locations where driving accidents have occurred, truck driving into mountain tunnel, airplane flying over jungle / rainforest, Iguazu Falls, missionaries being transported in dugout canoe on river in alligator infested water, missionaries and guides clinging to overturned dugout canoe as their luggage floats away, parrot in tree, missionaries and guides hauling canoe out of water, missionaries and guides trekking through jungle towards mission, rainforest, boa constrictor, monkey climbing / hanging from tree, missionaries drinking water and washing face, fawn nursing, coral snake, missionaries and guides walking across makeshift log bridge, missionaries and guides reaching mission, missionary embracing his baby and wife who greets the other missionaries, missionaries walking up stairs and entering house built for them by Indians, man using axe to making dugout canoe from mahogany log, man cutting grooves into bark of rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, latex dripping from tree into pail, man smoothing consistency of latex in trough and adding coagulating agent of lemon juice, man peeling coagulated sheet of latex from trough and using rolling pin to roll it out into thin sheet, man hanging latex sheets in sun so that it will turn brown, Indians digging up barbasco roots which are cut up and carried away, Indians pounding barbasco roots into mash with stones, men carrying bundles of mashed barbasco roots and boarding canoes, canoes traveling upstream on river and passing through fishing weir, swimmer inspecting fishing weir, some canoes of Indians continuing to head up river while others scan water for fish, man submerging barbasco roots in water which creates a milky cloud and shrinks gills of fish, traditional fishing with barbasco root, fisherman shooting arrow through fish, fish impaled with arrows being tossed into canoe, girl using basket to scoop fish out of water into canoe while boy paddles, Indian woman weaving on loom, Indian woman making pottery, Indian boys playing game by shooting blunt arrows at each other, boy using rubber band to throw stones at toucan which is not seen by mother carrying baby in sling, village witch doctor chewing leaves to produce healing properties, villagers watching with fearful expressions, witch doctor kneeling over dying woman and blowing on her forehead while her husband and children watch, witch doctor's son watching nearby, witch doctor holding "magic" bones in his hand which say that dying woman's daughter is source of illness, superimposed image of fire over husband's worried face, silhouetted image of men carrying dead body of mother on at dusk, father and children traveling up river in canoe towards mission, witch doctor and his men pursuing father and children in canoes and firing arrows at them, missionary rescuing father and children as witch doctor and his men continue up river in pursuit, missionary escorting father and children into mission and introducing them to his wife, sunset over jungle, witch doctor shooing flaming arrows at night, fires raging through empty mission, Indian children being taught by missionaries to read and write, missionary doctor examining sick baby, worried mother sitting nearby, missionary doctor injecting hypodermic needle into baby, missionary teaching story of creation to Indians, missionary ringing makeshift bell, Indians traveling from nearby villages and fields to hear missionary deliver Sunday sermon in his church while native man interprets, missionary riding horse through desert, boy infected with fogo selvagem being trained to walk again, missionary doctor and nurses praying before performing surgical operation, nurse covering child infected with fogo selvagem with sheet, missionaries and Indian man pushing canoe up river, missionaries and native men trekking through jungle and crossing makeshift log bridge, shepherds herding sheep, superimposed image of South America, skyline over water at sunset