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Clip #: TFA-258G
Length: 17:34
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Region: Europe
Country: England
City: London
Subject: Food
Original: 16mm
1930’s, England, London, food markets, cityscape at sunset, skyline, houses, night, clerk at fishmongers and poulterers shop closing up for night, clerk talking to wife and eating as she prepares dinner, people dining at milk bars / snack bar / coffee shop counters, waitress bringing cups out from kitchen to couple dining in restaurant, trucks and trains traveling at night, animation showing major train stations responsible for receiving food deliveries to Central London, Bishopsgate, Bricklayers Arms, Nine Elms, St. Pancras, Paddington, uncoupled locomotives being pulled into station, workers unloading Brussels sprouts and tomatoes from train, animation showing food being delivered from Paddington Station to London’s central markets, Borough Market, Covent Garden, Smithfield, Spitalfields, Billingsgate, animation showing food being delivered to Covent Garden, lorry / truck carrying crates of food backing up into Covent Garden receiving area at night, porters unloading crates of food from lorry / truck and transporting to other parts of market using handcarts, men reading and checking off different types of mushrooms in baskets, mushroom baskets being displayed beside crates of lettuce and apples, crates of radishes and grapes being displayed, men stacking baskets of mushrooms, wholesale buyers bargaining and shopping for produce, market crowded with buyers, porters carrying purchased produce on their heads or using handcarts to transport, sun starting to rise over Covent Gardens, porters transporting and loading crates of purchased food to lorries / trucks on market side street, exterior Covent Gardens, lorries / trucks and horse drawn carriages delivering purchased food to shops, fruit from abroad being sold in Floral Hall, Spitalfields Market, porters at work transporting goods outside and inside market, vehicles carrying goods driving inside market, man removing crate of Italian peaches from stack in refrigeration unit, docks, Port of London, cargo ships, dockworkers using cranes to unload bunches of bananas and sacks of raw meat from cargo ships, dockworkers transporting sacks of raw meat to dock’s cold storage, dockworkers loading sacks of raw meat onto back of lorry to be transported to market, animation showing trucks delivering meat to Smithfield Market, exterior and interior Smithfield Market, porters transporting sacks of raw meat on carts, men hanging meat on hook and weighing it, porter hurrying through market carrying large slab of raw meat, meat arriving at railroad station underneath market and being transported on elevator, Billingsgate Market, fish market, horse-drawn carriage carrying stacked crates parked outside Billingsgate Market, interior crowded Billingsgate Market, market activity, fish porters wearing protective hats, wholesale buyers shopping for fish, man talking to wholesale buyer on telephone, various varieties of fish on display, porter wearing protective hat carrying stacked crates of fish on his head unloaded from railway lorry, porter carrying stacked crates of fish on his head and loading onto fishmonger's lorry, lorry departing market and arriving mid morning at fishmonger, meat being unloaded from lorry and carried into shop, barrow markets, woman purchasing food from grocery store and carrying across street, cityscape, skyline, houses