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Clip #: TFA-260
Length: 48:03
Year: 1922
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1920s
Filmmaker: Robert Flaherty
Region: North America
Country: Canada
Subject: Native Life
Original: 16mm
1920s, Canada, Canadian Arctic, Quebec, Hudson Bay, Hopewell Sound, Northern Ungava, Inuit, Inuk, Eskimo, Itivimuits, barren lands, map pointing to location in Cape Dufferin area with Canadian and United States cities nearby, Nanook “the bear†wearing fur hood, smiling Nyla wearing fur hood and rocking back and forth, Nanook arriving at shore with wives Nyla and Cunayou, children Allee, Rainbow and puppy Comock climbing out of one person kayak, Nanook burning moss for fuel, Nanook, family and followers covering kayak with sealskin, Nanook and clan carrying omiak boat on trek to river, Nanook and clan rowing omiak down river to trading post, sealskin boots drying in sun on harpoon points, Nanook and clan disembarking and carrying omiak up to trading post, Nanook and clan laying out fox and polar bear pelts as Nanook barters for supplies at trading post, Nanook and Nyla revealing their husky puppies to trading post, Nyla and her baby “Rainbow†sitting with husky puppies, trader showing Nanook how to use gramophone, Nanook laughing as she listens to gramophone and trying to bite record, children eating sea biscuits and lard, trader serving castor oil to child who has upset stomach from overeating, Allegoo smiling in relief after ingesting castor oil, Nanook maneuvering by kayak and foot through ice field in search of fishing ground, Nanook using lure made from ivory at end of seal-hide line to fish for salmon in icy water, Nanook lifting salmon catch out of water and biting large ones to kill them, Nanook packing up supplies and catch and getting into kayak, Nanook giving fellow fisherman a ride on kayak, Nanook and clan hurriedly carrying kayak to shore, Nanook paddling out to sea and joining others in search of walrus, hunters looking out to sea and looking through binoculars, walrus herd swimming in water with heads bobbing in and out of water, “sentinel†walrus on watch while walrus herd sleeps on shore, hunters carrying harpoons venturing towards walrus herd, Nanook crouched down as he prepares to attack walrus herd, walrus herd trying to escape into water as Nanook and other hunters attack them, hunters on shore attempting to use rope to pull in harpooned walrus, walrus herd swimming near harpooned walrus, walrus trying to come to aid of harpooned walrus, hunters rolling dead walrus onto shore, hunters using knives to cut and eat pieces of walrus meat, Nanook licking knife clean, shoreline, winter, snow covered land and igloos, Nanook climbing ice blocks in hunt for seal in ice field, Nanook and clan using husky dog sled to travel across ice field and cross hills of ice blocks, Nanoook standing on ice block hill signaling to family to detour when he sees that white fox is approaching trap, Nanook carrying harpoon creeping and crawling through ice field towards trap, Nanook using knife to stab through ice into trap and pulling out white fox, Nanook carrying white fox and strapping it to sled, child pestering trapped white fox, Nanook and clan getting into sled and setting off, Nanook searching for camping ground and testing snow for ideal igloo building conditions, Nanook and clan building igloo, Nanook licking walrus ivory knife, children sledding down snow covered hill, Nanook using walrus ivory knife to shape snow for igloo, Nyla carrying baby Cunayou in hood and using snow to seal gaps in igloo walls, child pushing miniature sled pulled by husky puppy