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Clip #: TFA-264A
Length: 24:22
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Australia
Subject: Native Life
Original: 16mm
1950’s, Australia, Australian Aboriginals, Aborigines, map of Australia showing division of territories, Northern Territory, nomads, tribe, Arnhem Land, Arnhem Bay, Blue Mud Bay, clans, aerial rural land along seacoast, clusters of mangrove trees, Aborigines wearing loincloths and carrying spears as they set up camp, Aboriginal children, women and daughters clearing ground to prepare camping place, children watching man make fire, Aboriginals camping around fire in open, men climbing gum tree and using stone headed axes to strip ring of bark, men creating shelter from bent bark and covering with paper bark, husband sitting underneath bark shelter while wife finishes covering with paper bark, Aborigines sitting underneath shelter with fires burning nearby, mother nursing baby as she blows on fire, Aborigines sleeping on raised sleeping platforms or on ground next to burning fires, children cuddled up with adults as they sleep, tribe setting off on hunting and food gathering expeditions, women and children searching for food in wooded area, men using spears to fish inside reef, children digging up turtle eggs on beach, women accompanied by children digging up yam roots, women collecting lily roots in swamp, women wading in swamp eating lily roots, women wading in reef at low tide searching for shellfish, man accompanied by wife and child carrying rock python into camp, man and woman heating python on fire to make less stiff for cooking, man and woman cooking python by covering with hot ashes on fire, aborigines cooking goanna on fire, elderly woman making dough which is wrapped in paper bark, placed on ashes and baked into bread, bush bread, woman “carving†meat by using hands and teeth, woman shooing dog away from meat, Aborigine adults and children sitting around fire cooking and eating, woman breaking open mud oyster, child being given small portion of food, baby messily eating wild honey, fires burning at camp, Corroboree, tribe elders sitting around fire discussing funeral ceremonies, men covering themselves in pipeclay to signify mourning, scars on men’s chests indicating initiation marks, row of tribesmen approaching and leaving the funeral site taking zigzag course, procession, first funeral ceremony with every initiated member of clan, men beating sticks together and man playing didgeridoo, all mourners painted in pipeclay except for deceased’s father, aboriginal men chanting and performing ceremonial dance, body of deceased infant wrapped in paper bark lifted onto platform and left to decompose, men dancing as they place spirit pole into ground beside platform holding deceased infant, men painting design on spirit pole used to keep bones of deceased, initiated clansmen approaching sacred place where deceased man’s bones are kept wrapped in paper bark, clansmen dancing around deceased man’s bones while some beat sticks together and play didgeridoo, men holding biting bags in their mouths, bones being smeared with red ochre and placed in spirit pole which is then stuffed with bark, portraits aboriginal men covered in pipeclay and holding poles, Aboriginal men, women and children departing camp
HD master available.