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Clip #: TFA-272D
Length: 18:30
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: Europe
Country: Russia
Subject: Government
Original: 16mm
1950s, Russia, Russian Orthodox Church, murals on church walls, people praying and kissing church walls, senior women wearing headscarves, map of Soviet Union highlighting locations of farmland, plains, rivers, map of natural travel network formed from rivers and canals, pedestrian bridge over river, Moscow Kremlin, man standing on other side of Moskva River looking at Kremlin skyline, rural, farmers, peasants, collective farms, female farm worker feeding chickens, male and female farmers pitching hay into truck, signs declaring goals of surpassing American agricultural production, primitive agricultural methods, woman performing folk dance for crowd of onlookers, country dance, Moscow skyline, Moscow Kremlin, Russian Orthodox churches, prominent buildings and towers, cannons, street scenes, pedestrians, food food vendors, shoe stand, drink stand, GUM department store, shoppers, shops, modern fashion, abacus being used for calculating amounts, subways, ornate subway stations, Moskva River, Moscow skyline, street scenes, traffic light, pedestrians, traffic, cars, military trucks, buses, modern trains, crowded train station platform, map showing rail network, airplanes, modern jets parked on tarmac, modern technology, modern buses and trucks on display for public in large hall, world’s largest ferris wheel, Tsar Cannon, Tsar Bell, men gesturing to recognize modern, sturdy building versus old crumbling ones, slums, slum clearance, tractor and crane being used to clear slums, poor workmanship, men and women constructing building, Young Pioneer camp, Young Pioneers, sports and games mixed with study of communism, children eating in dining hall, Moscow State University, juvenile delinquency, Pravda newspaper building, broadcast tower, Gorky Park, amusement park rides, men playing balancing game, sculptor making busts in naturalism style, Bolshoi Theatre, Bolshoi Ballet performance, pas de deux, jews worshipping in synagogue, protestants praying in crowded church with worshippers spilling out of building, Red Square, Kremlin, lines of people walking over cobblestones, map showing countries occupied by Russian troops during WWII where communist governments established, World War 2, World War II, Warsaw, Poland, historic buildings rebuilt after destruction from WWII, Warsaw Barbican, Warsaw Old Town city walls, gate, catholics exiting St. Alexander's Church, University of Warsaw, student clubs, students dancing to jazz band, Czechoslovakia, Prague, Church of Mother of God before Týn, street scenes, pedestrians, street loudspeaker blaring Russian propaganda, newsstand with communist publications, churches, synagogues closed and used as museums, Old New Synagogue, Stalin Monument towering over skyline, Nikita Khrushchev and other Russian dignitaries deplaning and shaking hands with officials, Red Square, Lenin's & Stalin’s Mausoleum, lines of people filing past Mausoleum