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Clip #: MF-34A
Length: 7:44
Year: 1940
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Region: Middle East
Country: Palestine
Subject: Agriculture
Original: 16mm
1940s, Palestine, agriculture, olive trees growing on limestone hills, map showing olive cultivating regions in the Mediterranean centering in on eastern end of Palestine, olives, Arab communities, traditional methods of cultivation, Anjara, village, town, cityscape, skyline, olive trees planted by Romans, new growth obtained by grafting shoots onto original trunks, man climbing ladder to climb olive trees and beat and shake branches so that olives fall down to the ground, woman climbing ladder to roof of house while balancing basket of collected olives on her head and handing to another woman, woman dumping out olives from basket and spreading on roof to dry in sun, 10 year old girl crushing olives with large rock and squeezing to create pulp, woman extracting oil from crushed pulp by putting into boiling pot of water causing most of oil to rise to top, woman putting remaining pulp into fresh pot to cool and be squeezed, woman using petrol can as water container and pouring water onto pulp in pot, woman skimming off oil that has risen to top and adding to previously collected oil, men pushing large mill wheel in circle to grind olives into a paste, millstone, men using oxen to pull mill wheel around, woman carrying basket of olives on her head to millstone, pulp being put into rush baskets and taken to olive press, man using lever to apply pressure onto basket so that oil is squeezed out, man carrying ladder followed by women heading back to olive trees, olive trees growing on limestone hillside