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Clip #: TFA-314A
Length: 28:32
Year: 1929
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1920s
Region: Africa
Country: Tanganyika
Subject: Explorers
Original: 35mm
1920s, Africa, Charles Wellington Furlong, Furlong Expedition, native men examining and butchering elephant corpse, native people carrying items on their heads as they walk through tall grass, native children and adults dancing, bare chested women, native men paddling canoes on river, native men clearing foliage, large group women and children sitting on ground and walking in line, boy climbing tree, expedition members walking through grass and carrying supplies on their heads, native people carrying elephant body parts on heads as they walk through tall grass, native men and women performing dance in line, wildlife, giraffe, native men carrying expedition member on their shoulders as they dance around, flock of birds taking off and in flight, lizard eating bugs on branch, Tanganyika, Moshi, truck crossing wobbly bridge, huge swarm of locusts flying into truck path as it drives, passengers riding in back of truck trying to wave locusts away from their faces, locust swarm leaving devastation after flying over woods and velt, python slinking through grass, Furlong picking up python and draping over his neck, expedition members helping drape python around Furlong as he lies down, native people carrying heavy loads on their heads while walking on unstable ground, hunting expedition, native hunters holding weapons chanting and dancing in group as some play drums, native hunters posing over dead carcass, native hunters throwing spears, native men carrying supplies on their heads as expedition progresses on way, expedition members shaking hands outside thatched roof hut and discussing nearby location, native woman holding baby outside hut
HD master available.