Description: 20:08:36 - 20:13:58 >>> India. Parade ground review of Indian troops in front of British officers, Indian bands, soldiers marching in formation, bagpipers, and drummers.
20:13:58 - 20:18:21 >>> India. Continued parade ground review of Indian troops in British Army. Formation marching, passing in review with British officer saluting, CU British officer, elite rifle group demonstrating phalanx battle.
20:18:22 - 20:21:08 >>> India. Continued review with naval group. Indian sailors intermixed with British.
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Clip #: TFA-10B-9
Length: 12:31
Year: 1948
Color: Color
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: South Asia
Country: India
Subject: Parades
Original: 16mm
military band, parade
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