Description: 19:05:28 Herd of water buffalos being driven into river and two calves being driven. CU native in wide brimmed bamboo hat, CU buffalo. Various elephants walking in water with their mahouts on their back. Good shot elephant walking down dirt road with mahout on back. Elephants lying on their sides in water as mahouts wash and splash water on them.
19:08:30 - 19:13:04 >>> Sri Lanka. A wedding ceremony. Women seated around large drum and beating it, natives standing behind them. Bride with white veil and young groom surrounded by natives and children. – A man being shaved with a straight razor in open air. – A young man and his father? Sitting on ground as young man works a primitive hand turning lathe to turn wood shapes. Older man decorates and both show finished hand turned and decorated articles. – Line of young men with long hoe like tools hoes mud in low water paddy. – Various scenes of waterway, fauna and low mountains, men in long dugout type boat, a waterside village. – Men using an ox team to pull plows thru low water paddy.
19:13:04 - 19:15:52 >>> Sri Lanka. Group of young women standing in open field and learning how to operate a hand operated loom. CUs women. – Men sitting at table, one hand tooling leather, other polishing stone on hand turned wheel. – Various LSs over countryside.
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Clip #: TFA-10-9B-8
Length: 10:40
Year: 1949
Color: Color
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: South Asia
Country: Ceylon
Subject: Agriculture
Original: 16mm
oxen, elephants
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